Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1045: Accident

Chapter 1045 Three Volumes 155 Accidents (10 More)
On the twelfth day of the fourth lunar month, Gaowa, the noble lady, entered the palace.

Since the middle palace is empty, and nobleman Ying enters the palace to formally salute, he should go to the palace of the concubine who may succeed to the middle palace.

It is from this point that the harem can guess who is likely to succeed the middle palace.

In this regard, Concubine Xian is still sure.Therefore, she happily waited for the emperor's decree.

According to her, although the emperor has been reluctant to make her queen, it will happen sooner or later; even it is the afternoon of April [-]th, and the emperor has not officially notified her that she is going to meet the nobleman tomorrow. Still in no hurry.

This is the palace, the most well-mannered place in the world.It doesn't matter if the emperor can enter the imperial concubine with the Han surname as the concubine, after all, the royal rules cannot be messed up to the root!
Therefore, Concubine Xian asked Lin Guiren to go back and rest, and then she sat in the hall and stared out the window calmly.

But she waited from noon to dusk, from dusk until the key was released at the palace gate, but she couldn't wait for the decree.

Concubine Xian couldn't restrain herself any longer, she got up and shouted: "Tana, Dege! What are you all doing standing there? Go, go out and ask this palace, whose palace did the emperor arrange for nobleman Ying to salute?! "

Both Tana and Dege were terrified and knew the importance of the matter, so they begged the eunuch in the respect room and went out of the palace to inquire about it.

When they came back later, both of them looked a little uneasy.

Concubine Xian stared at the two of them fiercely: "Tell me, whose palace did you go to? Did you go directly to the Emperor's Hall of Mental Cultivation, or did you go to the Empress Dowager's Shoukang Palace to salute?"

If it is to go directly to the emperor or the empress dowager to salute, it does not involve the matter of who succeeds to the middle palace, and she can accept it.

But Tana and Dege shook their heads.

Concubine Xian then stood up with a bang: "Whose palace did you arrange to go to?...No, definitely not to go to Concubine Chun's palace!"

Although Concubine Chun is a Han woman, she has already fallen out of favor, but after all, Concubine Chun is also a concubine, and she is ranked ahead of her.Besides, they still have a prince!If the Manchu and Han factors are excluded, then the pure noble concubine should be listed as the successor!
Fortunately, Tana and Dege also shook their heads.

Only then did Concubine Xian take a steady step, pressing her heart, "Who else could it be? As long as it's not Yongshou Palace."

Only then did Tana kneel down: "Returning to the master, in fact, the servants never thought of it... The emperor calls you nobleman, and I will go to Chuxiu Palace tomorrow to salute Concubine Yu."

Concubine Xian squinted her eyes and thought for a long time.

"Concubine Yu?! Why should she! Even if she has a prince, she is only a concubine. What's more, she was born as the daughter of a man in armor from Nanyuan Haizi!"

Tana and Dege looked at each other cautiously: "The two servants discussed it outside for a long time. The only thing that can make sense is that Concubine Yu is also from the Eight Banners of Mongolia, and Mrs. Ying is also from the Eight Banners of Mongolia... "

Concubine Xian slowly walked back to Kang Yan'er and sat down.

"It's true. There are only two inner court chiefs from the Eight Banners of Mongolia in the harem. It's understandable how close they are. It's just...as long as the emperor doesn't settle his mind, it will be fine if he wants to make Concubine Yu's Yong Qi the crown prince!"
On the morning of April [-]th, all the concubines also arrived at Chuxiu Palace early.

Not to mention that Concubine Xian was inexplicably surprised, none of the harem thought of it, in fact, even Concubine Yu herself could not have thought of it.

Concubine Yu's status is a bit awkward now: firstly, there are two concubines above her, and secondly, the emperor has just appointed two more concubines.Even if Concubine Jia doesn't come to raise a baby, Concubine Yu still has to face the two equal masters of Concubine Ling and Concubine Shu.

What's more, in the will of the emperor's reward, he has clearly ranked Concubine Ling ahead of Concubine Shu and Concubine Yu.

 See you tomorrow~~ Thank you lingsheuewen for the big red envelope and Yukang for the red envelope.

  12 photos: Xuecai2004;

  9 cards: Yang Yang 521;

  6 cards: 13611362655, 13817573448;

  3 cards: Shi Jun, 13645464623, h_qtlord, llii316816, brilliant and happy growth, ssuyan;

  2 cards: Liu Jingyi, 189833ghhh, 851230, yxy9911, Honey Doudou;
  1 card: lhswly, wind blowing 123, in the forest, weihongyao1125, Leiboo, sandra_mar, autumn is clear, monkey tail
(End of this chapter)

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