Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1048: Slapping the Table

Chapter 1048 Three Volumes 158 Slapping the Table (3 More)
Concubine Yu tried her best to stop her, but Lady Ying looked at Concubine Xian with a cold gaze and a smile.

"In the harem of the Qing Dynasty, Concubine Xian couldn't understand the Mongolian etiquette? But I remember that in the harem of the Qing Dynasty, the Mongolian etiquette was not only acceptable, but also used to be the etiquette in the palace!"

As soon as Mrs. Ying said this, everyone present couldn't help but exchanged glances.

They all understand what Yinggui is talking about.From entering the customs in the Qing Dynasty, from Empress Xiaozhuang Wen, the first harem masters in the Qing Dynasty were all Gege from the Eight Banners of Mongolia.Therefore, not only can Mongolian clothes be worn in the harem, but Mongolian language was once spoken in the harem, let alone greeted with Mongolian etiquette.

Wanxi smiled and said softly to the concubine Wan: "It seems that the title chosen by the emperor for Yinggui is really the right one."

The wise are the sharpest; they are also clever.

The Yinggui in front of me is young and energetic, smart and straightforward, and he really fits the character perfectly.

Concubine Xian has already regarded herself as her successor in her heart, how can a nobleman who has just entered the palace dare to contradict her face to face like this?

Concubine Xian sneered coldly: "Once upon a time? Lady Ying, you can tell it's once!"

"This palace wants to ask you, are you in the 'now' or in the 'once'? If you are in the 'once', you can do whatever you want. I can't see it; it's a pity that you are in the 'right now', under the eyes of Ben Gong. There is no past, and all rules must be done according to the current situation!"

Concubine Yu knelt down by herself first: "I also invite Concubine Xian Haihan...Your Lady Ying has just entered the palace, and she has to learn the rules from scratch."

Concubine Xian smiled coldly: "She is a newcomer who has just entered the palace and doesn't know the rules. Do you, Concubine Yu, too? She doesn't have palace rituals when she enters the palace, and you don't have to follow them; the Mongolian etiquette that you two follow each other, Haven't you already left the palace rules behind?"

"Concubine Yu, how many years have you been in the palace, how old are you this year, do you still have the nerve to use this to excuse yourself in front of this palace?"

Concubine Xian's dissatisfaction with Concubine Yu had been suppressed all night, but now she found an opportunity to vent it all out.

There is no owner in the sixth house, and I don't know how to resolve the cold scene at this moment.

Wanxi lowered her eyes and thought for a while, but raised her eyes and smiled, and even clapped her hands.

"Oh, this is really flooding the Dragon King Temple, and the family doesn't recognize the family anymore!"
Seeing Wanxi coming to mess with her again, Concubine Xian couldn't help but slap the table.

"Family? Don't put gold on your own face! You are a slave with a Han surname, and this house is full of Meng Gege, who is your family?!"

Wanxi stood quietly, trying her best to calm down the anger in her heart.

"What Concubine Xian said is that I was born with the Han surname Bao Yi, but now my status has become the emperor's concubine. If I marry and follow my husband, my status should naturally be judged from the emperor."

"How did Concubine Xian forget that the Huifanara clan of your mother's family and the Yehenara clan of Concubine Shu are not of the same origin at all. They were originally changed from Mongolian surnames. Now why are you looking at Mongolian surnames?" Is etiquette so unpleasing to the eye?"

Concubine Xian clenched her silver teeth.She can understand, Ling Fei's hoof is turning a corner and scolding her for forgetting her origin!Another knife was stabbed between her and Concubine Shu!

Wanxi's eyes turned away, and she looked at the magnificent palace: "Besides, I have been married to Mongolia since the establishment of the Qing Dynasty. Even the blood of the emperor has nearly half of Mongolia's blood flowing. Concubine Xian is also the emperor. Don't pay attention to it?"

(End of this chapter)

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