Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1055 Chapter 3 165 Heart Knot

Chapter 1055 Three Volumes 165 Heart Knot (2 More)
The two climbed up the stairs, and when they reached the three "towers" on the hillside, only black and white remained in the world.

It is also because of this that at this moment under the tower, I feel that the tower is towering and indestructible.

Before at the bottom of the mountain, looking up, because of the background of the blue sky, golden sun, and sumac, I only felt that the tower was a scene; but at this moment, the night had filtered out all the background, and only this huge towering tower was left. , piercing the night, standing up in horror under the silver moon.

Wanxi couldn't help walking around: "Looking at it from the bottom of the mountain, I didn't think it was so big. Now that I'm in front of it, I realize how big it is."

Not to mention towering, the building stones are all big stones, once the gate is closed tightly, it is impossible to attack from outside.

The outward side of the boulder is a smooth surface without edges and corners, so even if someone wants to climb upstairs from the outside, there is absolutely no place for them to step up.

Wanxi couldn't help standing still, looking up at the emperor standing on the boulder: "...This building is easy to defend but difficult to attack. It should not be used for ordinary living or viewing. Could it be used by some battle formation?"

The Manchu people have lived outside the Guan for generations, living in seaweed houses, going out to build shacks, and digging underground cellars in ancient times... but they have no habit of building such tall buildings upwards.

Wanxi narrowed her eyes: "This is not a Buddhist pagoda, it is not used for viewing, but the Lord took the trouble to build this here... It is used for defense... This servant can't help but think of the place where the imperial court uses troops Woolen cloth."

The emperor couldn't help laughing loudly, jumped off the boulder, walked over and smiled in front of her eyes.

Although the night was gloomy, his eyes sparkled, like stars falling from the sky and embedded in his face.

"Guess where, huh?"

Wanxi sighed softly: "The emperor is most worried now, besides Da Jinchuan, where else can it be?"

Wanxi said as she raised her hand to touch the outer wall of the round stone of the tower: "Such a stone without edges and corners is deliberately chosen as the outer wall. If it is built by the water, the water vapor will hang on the surface of the stone, making it even more slippery. more difficult to break through."

Wanxi closed her eyes lightly: "Jinchuan... is so far away. Although I have never been there, I have also heard that the cottages there are all built on the mountains and near the water. If they have any idea, let the imperial army be so far away. It has been in vain for a long time, so they should be guarding such an impregnable high-rise, right?"

The emperor couldn't help being moved, he took a step forward, gently took her little hand, and pulled her into his arms.

"As expected of your ancestor to be Geng Fan's chief soldier! Although you were born as a daughter, you still have such a deep feeling in your heart. It's really rare."

Wanxi smiled and raised her eyes to look at him: "Even if I have never been to Sichuan, even if I have not seen the fortifications of the Dajinchuan people with my own eyes, I still understand the emperor's heart... These days, the emperor is most worried about you." Yes, it's not even the court, not the harem, but Dajinchuan."

The emperor sighed softly: "That's right. I never imagined beforehand that Jinchuan's small land would prevent the imperial court from deploying troops for so long. Even a famous general like Zhang Guangsi was in vain. Later, when I received the battle report, I learned that the local people With such a 'watchtower', our officers and soldiers are helpless."

"I'm not convinced! I'm going to build a few of them myself to have a look, I don't believe I can't conquer them!"

"Diaotou," Wanxi looked up at the towering fortress, and nodded: "In my Qing Dynasty, the cavalry is the most elite, good at jumping on flat ground, riding and shooting with bow and horse. It won’t work.”

 I have personally visited Jinchuan and Diaolou.How strong is this tower?In the Wenchuan earthquake, the 1000-year-old ancient towers of Songli on the hillside were unscathed.

(End of this chapter)

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