Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1058 Chapter 3 168 Divine Weapon

Chapter 1058 Three Volumes 168 Divine Weapon (5 more)
The emperor's eyebrows were raised high, and then his eyebrows and eyes were stretched out, and he laughed loudly: "If you ask your beloved to go to the battlefield instead of you, then how can you still be a man! As long as you are there, you will always stand in your way!" In front of you, you are not allowed to go out and take risks for the master!"

Wanxi was taken aback, and stood up suddenly: "Master, what do you mean by this? Is it possible that you want to conquest for Da Jinchuan, the royal driver?"

The emperor squinted his eyes and smiled: "It's not impossible for the imperial driver to conquest personally, but this Dajinchuan is not worth the trip in person!"

The emperor suddenly stood up, and under the silver moonlight, the emperor's eyebrows and eyes suddenly opened.

"As the son of heaven, even the height of the temple is enough to know the distance of the rivers and lakes! If you plan a strategy, you can win a victory thousands of miles away!"

Wanxi couldn't help being stunned: "So, the emperor has already thought of a countermeasure?"

The emperor raised his eyebrows lightly, staring at her with a narrow smile.

Wanxi blushed and couldn't help jumping her feet: "Just now the emperor deliberately made the servant anxious!"

The emperor laughed out loud, and grabbed her little hand before he was alive: "I didn't mean to make you anxious! I really have been very anxious these days. I have been holding those words in my heart for too long by myself, and I need to tell you Come out. After the master finished speaking, his heart was happy, and his pride was renewed, and his heart was opened!"

Wanxi was even more delighted and relieved.

The emperor raised his eyebrows and eyes, and in the darkness, suddenly put his hand into his mouth, and whistled in the darkness.

The sound of the whistle was clear and elegant, just like when we used to whistle deer in Mulan's paddock.

When the Son of Heaven calls out, it will be the time when all the people in the world gather and surround them!
Wanxi suddenly heard a "whoosh" sound behind her, as if something stirred the wind.

Is it true that all arrows are fired again?
Wanxi hurriedly turned her head to look, but she was wrong, she saw under the background of the night, in the white moonlight, suddenly there were hundreds of figures sneaking from the ground to the downstairs, and then sprinted up!

In such a dark night and white moon, the faces of those people could not be seen clearly at all, and all the figures were drawn into black ink shadows.Like a ghost, his figure was erratic, and soon someone climbed up the watchtower and left!

Wanxi couldn't help crying out in shock: "Who are they?!"
Wanxi really stood up, and the emperor laughed heartily when he saw this, pulled her back and pressed her into his arms, and then raised his voice: "Light the pine light!"

In the surrounding dark and silent mountains and forests, pine torches were suddenly lit at the same time, and this place was illuminated as if it were daytime.

In this light, Wanxi finally saw clearly the figure on the high tower—it turned out to be a hundred soldiers in short skirts and small attire, who climbed with soft voices and tiger claws; After going up, you untie your waist and hang down the ladder, so that more people can go up smoothly.

There are also several people downstairs holding up the long ladder, and some stabbing upwards with tiger spears to protect those who are climbing.

The Army of the Eight Banners is the best at cooperating. Each of the Eight Banners has its own specialized arms. Once a battle starts, the various banners will cooperate with each other. They were all seen by Wanxi in the Ten Kings Pavilion of the Shengjing Imperial Palace and in the display of various flags, so even though she had never been on the battlefield, she was very impressed with them.

At this moment, the attack on the high tower resembled the attack of the Eight Banners soldiers.Wanxi couldn't help exclaiming: "So the emperor has been training soldiers here in secret?"

Only then did the emperor raise his eyebrows and smile: "Look at the 'Jianrui Ladder Battalion' that I personally trained! They are also called the 'Flying Tiger Battalion', and they are the magic weapon that I will use against the Great Jinchuan Tower!"

 This is a real thing~~~cough cough, "Flying Tigers", special forces and so on, Lord Qianlong played it 300 years ago~~
(End of this chapter)

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