Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1088: Don't Worry

Chapter 1088 Three Volumes 198 Don't Worry (11 More)
Tana and Dege looked at each other, and they both gave Nalashi a embarrassed look.

It's secondary that the typo is correct, how come the master forgot the request of the two of them at this moment, and fell in love with Concubine Ling again as soon as they met?

At this time, their identities are already different, not when they were both concubines.This time, my master is the master of the sixth house, so confronting the young concubine is a self-deprecation.

What's more...there is also the emperor.

Of course, Nalashi received the winks from the two women.

She took a few deep breaths, and snorted softly: "Forget it, we are here to see Concubine Jia, if this palace argues with you, it would be too much of a distraction. That's it, you go back and write fifty words of what this palace said just now. Get out, and it's over."

Nala said to everyone with a smile: "Sisters, please get up quickly, why are you still kneeling here, the sun is poisonous, don't burn you all. Come on, let's go see Jia Concubine."

After Nala finished speaking, she smiled and walked towards the apse.The legs of all the concubines had long since knelt numb, each of them was supported by the woman next to him to stand up, and they all followed.

Wanxi was the last to stand up, her eyes darkened slightly.Yuqin rushed over and asked, "How are you?"

Wanxi held Yuqin's hand: "Everything is just the beginning, if we can't help it, it will be even more difficult in the future."

Yuqin had tears in her eyes with hatred: "I knew that if she became a queen, she would be the first to make you feel uneasy. Now that she is not in the middle palace, she is going to embarrass you like this! Anyway, she is still the queen today. On a good day, she doesn't give herself any virtue!"

Wanxi gasped for breath, and then shook her head lightly: "Sister thinks today is her good day, but she doesn't know that she is holding her breath today. She thought that today she should be a queen, but she only got a royal concubine. Doesn’t elder sister know her character? When she is wronged, she will definitely spread her fire on others, and she will definitely let others suffer with her, so she will be happy.”

Yuqin gritted her teeth: "I really hate my low status, even if I say something, she chokes it back."

Wanxi held Yuqin's hand, "Sister, let's not worry. After all, she is several years older than you and me. Let's walk slowly and wait slowly."
Wanxi and Yuqin were the last to enter Concubine Jia's bedroom to congratulate Concubine Jia.

At this time, Concubine Jia's palace had already attended the grandma and doctor who guarded the moon, and even Concubine Jia's birth mother also came.

It can be seen from this that Concubine Jia is giving birth in the past few days.

Nala glanced at Wanxi, and couldn't help snorting: "Today is a good day for Concubine Jia, but Concubine Ling and Lu Guiren are so long in coming."

Yuqin was so annoyed that she wanted to speak out again, but Wanxi held her tightly.

Wanxi stepped forward and asked Concubine Jia with a smile: "How are Concubine Jia and the little heir doing? It's July again, and I'm thinking of the time when the eighth elder brother came to the world..."

Concubine Jia stretched out her hand to hold Wanxi's hand: "Concubine Ling, how could I forget that you helped me so much last time?"

In a word, the embarrassment of the previous sentence "coming late" has been solved.Nala stared at the hands held together by Concubine Jia and Wanxi, and couldn't help snorting: "Concubine Ling, don't mention the last time. I hope this time, Concubine Jia completely forgot about the last time, and this time it goes smoothly , give birth to a healthy prince."

Nala said with a sigh: "After all, Concubine Ling is young and has never had a child before, so she said such unlucky words at this moment. Just think of it as 'children's words are not taboo'."

 I can’t write anymore, see you tomorrow~ Thank you for Lan’s big red envelope, 18670919988+ monthly pass for 1888, 98+ monthly pass for qincao_1888, flash diamonds for pluck88, and flowers for Yanyu.

  12 sheets: things mother;
  9 cards: 15887660752, 15757172832, irenelauyy;
  6 sheets:[email protected], 15007275749, h_lbr4ghgv;
  4 cards: Pig Ting;
  3 sheets: hpl6250;

  2 cards: 93047576;

  1 sheet: zhangliu7004, y_sey, listen to me, golden Populus euphratica, 1041149820
(End of this chapter)

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