Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1097 Chapter 3 207 Lovely

Chapter 1097 Three Volumes 207 Lovely (9 More)
The emperor Dudu was a little interested in sour plum soup, so he asked Lin Guiren to pour it into a bowl, and picked it up to read.

The sour plum soup was soaked in honey at the right time, and the soup was dark purple, gorgeous and refreshing.

The emperor sniffed lightly: "In addition to plum seeds, did you add medicinal materials?"

Guiren Lin hurriedly laughed: "No, licorice, hawthorn, amomum, osmanthus... are all added to help the plum fruit, to help the emperor reduce his anger and produce body fluids to quench his thirst in midsummer."

Lin Guiren was young and timid like this, the words he said were very sweet and sweet, which made the emperor's heart flutter.Vaguely, he seemed to see Jiu'er who was not yet 14 years old that year again.

The emperor smiled and praised: "Well, well done, I like it."

After speaking, the emperor took Lin Guiren's little hand and drank up all the sour plum soup in the bowl.

It was the first time for Lin Guiren to serve the emperor so intimately, and his face was already flushed at this moment.Standing on the edge of the kang, Nala watched the scene of the emperor and Lin Guiren, and couldn't help but tightly clenched his sleeves.

But the emperor drank the sour plum soup anyway, so she deservedly prepared for this scene!
Seeing that the emperor likes it, Lin Guiren shyly persuaded, "Have you another bowl, Your Majesty?"

The emperor's long eyes were gentle, and he reached out his hand to support Lin Guiren's small and exquisite chin: "Okay. I am happy to see you today. As long as you pour it for me, I will drink it all."

Lin Guiren's face was burning like fire, and he filled the emperor's cup again.

Just like that, the emperor drank several bowls in a row, and the soup pot was almost drained.

Nalashi wrung his fingers in his cuffs secretly, looking nervously at the emperor's expression.

That's right, the emperor really stared at Lin Guiren, his eyes became more and more burning.But the emperor still sat steadily, at most he put his hand on Lin Guiren's chin, but he couldn't hold back!

The emperor drank another bowl, then smiled and stretched his arms around Lin Guiren's shoulders, and said drunkenly, "Huh? You are obviously sour plum soup, why do you make me feel a little drunk like drinking fine wine?"

Only then did Nala's heart flutter, she felt relieved, and went forward to personally take the soup pot from Lin Guiren, and said to the emperor with a smile: "I will tell you the truth, this sour plum soup was not made by Lin Guiren himself. , so she didn't mention a few ingredients: Actually, there is also old wild ginseng from Concubine Jia's mother's family."

"On the first day of July, my concubine and concubine Jia were promoted to the throne together. I remembered that concubine Jia was about to give birth at that time, so I avoided the sixth palace to greet my concubine, and went to Jingren Palace together. Concubine Jia's original The birth mother is also here, so I also congratulate this concubine, and I will feed the old mountain ginseng produced in Changbai Mountain to my concubine."

"The mountain ginseng is precious, and I am reluctant to use it myself. It just so happens that this time I made this sour plum soup for the emperor, and put it in together with the medicinal materials from Changbai Mountain they sent. The sour plum soup itself is not rare, but here Precious medicinal materials are rare."

"The emperor feels like drinking good wine, and I'm afraid it's the credit of these medicinal materials. In addition, the concubine has honey-preserved the plums before taking them out to make soup, so the plums have been fermented in advance, which brings the aroma of wine."

Hearing Nala's eloquence, Lin Guiren also blushed a little, and hurriedly said: "Your Majesty, this sour plum soup is indeed made by the imperial concubine herself. I just helped the imperial concubine carry the food box..."

The emperor's eyes were still only on Lin Guiren's face, and he shook his head with a smile: "It's okay. Your imperial concubine and master also said that sour plum soup itself is not unusual. I drank it happily today because I was facing a lovely person like you. ah."

 and also.

(End of this chapter)

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