Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1100 Volume 3 210 Purple River

Chapter 1100 Three Volumes 210 Purple River (2 more)
Lin Guiren walked away sobbing, and Nala looked at Lin Guiren's small back while holding the window, and was gradually obliterated by the night.

She felt a little relieved at any rate.

Tana came in from the outside and took a careful look at Nalashi.

"What's wrong?" Nala knew something was wrong.

Tana carefully asked: "The remaining half pot of sour plum soup, should we continue to freeze it for future use, or...?"

Nala's eyes narrowed: "It would be a pity if the precious ingredients were poured out."

But Tana stepped forward and knelt down: "Mr Lin Guiren was not able to stay in the Hall of Mental Cultivation tonight. I am afraid that the emperor will understand the mystery of the sour plum soup later. If I ask the imperial doctor to come to our palace for investigation, the sour plum soup will be kept." It is a disaster."

The emperor drank the ones they sent to the emperor, even if the emperor was suspicious, there was no basis for it.It's just that there is still half a pot left in Chengqian Palace.

Nalashi took a deep breath, stretched out his hand to open the lid of the sour plum soup, and stared at the bright purple soup in the country.

"I don't understand, so the emperor can't hold back after using a pair of Zihe chariots, and he will immediately show favor to Lin Guicai... But I see, the emperor is at most slightly drunk That's all, I didn't lose control at all!"

Because of the color of Ziheche, when mixed into the purple sour plum soup, it is like hiding; and the sour plum soup has long been added with strong medicinal materials such as licorice, osmanthus, hawthorn, so it can also cover up the taste of Ziheche. .

Moreover, the sour plum soup naturally has plum fruit pulp precipitated, so the purple river car can be perfectly mixed in without people noticing.

This method, Nala thought it was perfect, and it really made the emperor not aware of it, so he drank it all...

However, it didn't achieve the effect she expected.

Nala raised her eyes and stared at Tana: "But this Ziheche is not pure, or the medicine is not strong enough to be effective?"

Tana hurriedly fell to her knees: "How dare the slaves? The slaves are careful in their work. How dare you take back those who have no medicine?"

Nala walked back to the kang and sat down: "Zihe chariot, women's placenta is also. It can stimulate the boudoir. Isn't it always said in the medicine books and the mouths of folk wizards?"

Tana nodded, but she still said cautiously: "Master... the servant is worried that the Zihe car is a woman's placenta after all. And the matter of boudoir love is divided between men and women after all. Maybe this Zihe car can only increase the interest of women, but Has little effect on men?"

What you said made Nala's heart sway.

"What you said makes sense. Maybe that's what happened."

Nala thought about it, and finally waved his hand: "Don't just pour it down, there will be traces if it gets mixed into the well water. Why don't you just dig a hole and bury it in the soil."

Only then did Tana feel relieved, and quickly said: "Master, don't worry, the slave will definitely deal with it cleanly. No matter who comes to investigate, there will be no clues."

Nala laughed when she heard this: "Even if you find out the clues, you are not afraid. There are so many medicinal herbs in this world, why did I choose Ziheche?" She said, her eyes could not help but wander. In the direction of Jingren Palace, "Anyway, someone in our palace happened to give birth... I also told the emperor that the sour plum soup also added wild ginseng and Korean medicinal materials that they brought to the palace."

"Even if the emperor notices something wrong in the sour plum soup, he will still think of them!"
In the Hall of Mental Cultivation, after the Nala family and Lin Guiren had retired, the emperor rushed to Xinuang Pavilion.

To the south of Xinuang Pavilion is his study "Sanxi Hall", and to the north is his dedicated Buddhist hall.

(End of this chapter)

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