Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1107 Chapter 3 Staring

Chapter 1107 Three Volumes 217 Staring (2 More)
"My master is so blessed."

Yuhu felt the same way, and while wiping tears, she was also happy for Wanxi: "Even the master in the palace must have an emperor's heir, and only in the first month can the mother of this life enter the palace to accompany her. But the master is like this." I saw it, it's because the emperor loves the master."

How could Wanxi not understand that this was the first time she celebrated her birthday on the concubine since she entered the concubine position in April.Because during Empress Xiaoxian's funeral, the emperor did not give her anything special this time, but sent her mother...

For this moment of reunion, she is willing to trade anything.

After driving all the way, we finally arrived at Xiangshan before noon.Wanxi held back all the way, she got out of the car and walked into the Xiangshan Palace, she couldn't bear it anymore, and glanced at Yuye lightly.

Yu Ye naturally understood, so she ran away without the master saying it clearly.

In fact, where do you use Yuye to find it like this, a row of inner management leaders, Fujin has already knelt down to pay his respects.

The three internal management leaders all said: "This time the master Qianqiu, the emperor ordered the servants and other three internal management leaders to be dispatched by the master. All the food and drink expenses in the palace, or shopping outside, are all undertaken by the three slaves. , so that the master should feel at ease.

The three internal management leaders, Fujin, stepped forward directly and walked to Wanxi's side: "All the duties of setting a banquet and guiding are handled by the three slaves. The women around the master just serve the master personally, and the rest Leave it to the slaves!"

Because Wanxi's mother, Mrs. Yang, was among them, Wanxi quickly walked over and helped the three inner management leaders Fujin with her own hands, trying her best to hold back her tears, and only smiled: "Thank you, the three inner management leaders and the three Fujin. Although I am a concubine, but I am still young, I will inevitably miss some rules, and I have to rely on the help of everyone."

Several internal management leaders and Fujin responded with smiles, and even said "how dare a slave", after seeing the ceremony, they went to work on their own duties.

Finally, Wanxi and her mother's hand were held in one place alone.

Wanxi had already cried to the point of tears, so she knelt down on her knees and greeted her mother.

After all these years, Er Niang's eyebrows and eyes are still the same, but Er Niang's temples have turned gray...

Wanxi couldn't help crying, her heart ached like a twist, only by kneeling on her knees, could she repay the unfilial piety of not being able to accept Huan's knees all these years.

But how could Mrs. Yang make her daughter kneel down at this time? Tears were streaming down her face, but she knelt down in front of her daughter first, and blocked her daughter's knees with her own body.

As a result, Wanxi couldn't control herself even more, hugged her mother, and burst into tears.

Fortunately, this moment is not in the Forbidden City, there are not so many rules and regulations, and there is no need to worry that the cry will fly over the palace wall and be heard by the densely surrounded Liugong.

In the Xiangshan Palace, Wanxi indulged herself and cried for a long time, turning all the grievances, grievances, and unwillingness of these years into tears, and cried out.

The mountain wind swayed lightly, skipping over the treetops, rustling.It was as if there was someone in the forest accompanying Wanxi, weeping softly together.

Across the whitewashed wall and the Moon Cave Gate, Fu Heng hid aside, quietly staring sideways at Wanxi who was crying into tears, her eyes also turned red.

Today, Wanxi's future in Xiangshan Palace must be accepted by both inside and outside the House of Internal Affairs. As the minister in charge of the House of Internal Affairs, he naturally volunteered.It's just that she is now in the concubine position, so he quietly escorted her all the way in the team, but he didn't dare to make any mistakes easily, and he didn't dare to appear in front of her Zhai's car.

He knew that this time he spent her birthday with her, maybe it was the last time he could do it in the post of minister in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

He doesn't even know if there will be another year next year.

(End of this chapter)

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