Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1114: Voice of the Heart

Chapter 1114 Three Volumes 224 Heartfelt Voice (1 More)
Fu Heng's heart ached, and he called softly, "Jiu'er!"

Wanxi shook her head slightly, turned her head and smiled: "Master Fu, don't worry, although I yelled out at this moment, I can't bear it in my heart."

Wanxi looked far away: "The emperor is not a stingy emperor. Although he was born in Manchuria, in his harem, Han women and Bao Yi with the Han surname have gained an unprecedented status. Just like pure imperial concubine, Han woman conferred noble concubine, or even She was once ranked ahead of Concubine Xian and became the second person under the empress."

"So in the emperor's harem, Han women and Bao Yi with the Han surname are not as difficult as in the harem of previous emperors. From the family background of the Han women selected by the emperor, it can be seen that the emperor has integrated the hearts of Man and Han."

"But Master Fu, you also know that the gulf between the Manchu and the Han cannot be completely resolved overnight by a single emperor. The harem is fine, after all, it is closed within the high wall, and it will not affect much. ; But the gap between Manchu and Han in the previous dynasty may have shaken the foundation of the court!"

Wanxi paused slightly, turned her eyes lightly, covering Fu Heng.

"Master Fu, how can my mood not be that of Master Yue Zhongqi?"
Fu Heng paused for a moment before he understood.

What Jiu'er said just now was not about herself, but about Hanchen who seemed to be in a high position in the court, but could never be trusted by the royal family.

It was Yue Zhongqi.

Fu Heng took a deep breath, and his heart suddenly became clear.His gaze was firmly fixed on Wanxi, and an unspeakable enthusiasm surged up in his heart.

"...So you specially invited Yue Zhongqi's daughter-in-law today."

Wanxi finally smiled, and glanced back at him: "Master Fu is really amazing, once he saw who I invited, he already knew what I was thinking."

Wanxi sighed softly: "Yue Zhongqi, a famous general of the Han Dynasty, a descendant of Yue Fei, the king of Yue. He served as an official in Sichuan for a long time, but was excluded, impeached, and even imprisoned and sentenced to be executed by the first emperor. His military achievements were almost destroyed in one day. .”

"In this battle of Great Jinchuan, the emperor was willing to revive Yue Zhongqi again because of his experience in guarding Sichuan for many years and his deep understanding of the local people's conditions. However, the matter has evolved to this day, and the emperor is so angry that he ordered the officials to impeach Yue Zhongqi for not advancing since entering Sichuan. A few words, no merits'."

Wanxi stared fixedly at Fu Heng: "Master Fu said, what happened to Yue Zhongqi?"

"Is he old? Now that the old man who is over sixty years old is no longer the hero of the old general? Lian Po is old, can he still eat?"

"Or, the experience of being impeached, imprisoned, and almost died when he was impeached by the late emperor has smoothed his wisdom and courage?"

Fu Heng frowned slightly.

Wanxi shook her head: "In my opinion, neither."

Wanxi gently supported the low wall made of huge stones on the top of the building: "He is a Han, and I may understand the integrity of the Han better than you, Mr. Fu. He is a descendant of Yue Fei. Even though he is old, he never wants to humiliate his ancestors." His reputation has made people disappointed in Yue Fei's descendants. Even for the glory of his ancestors, he will return the body shrouded in horse leather!"

"He is Hanchen. His natural backbone and the education he has received since he was a child will not allow him to hesitate after finally getting a chance to recover, and waste this opportunity in vain. He will fight his life. At such an advanced age, it may be the last chance to preserve his military achievements in this life."

Fu Heng nodded slowly.

Wanxi sighed softly: "But he didn't. He didn't make any progress in Sichuan, and he didn't make any achievements. Has Master Fu ever thought about whether he was excluded and distrusted? Does he have the same feelings as me? Resentment and injustice?"

(End of this chapter)

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