Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1119 Chapter 3 229 Leaving

Chapter 1119 Chapter Three 229 Leaving (6 more)
It was also this September, after Wanxi celebrated her birthday, she returned from the Xiangshan Palace.

Quietly heard the news from the previous dynasty, just when everyone was avoiding Da Jinchuan, Fu Heng, at the age of 27, with the qualifications that had never held a formal military position, recommended himself, please take the place of his relatives, Slightly Sichuan.

Both the court and the harem were surprised, but Wanxi walked into the small Buddhist hall in the East Nuan Pavilion of the main hall alone, and lit three sticks of incense.

Even though Yuhu knew the consequences of the past and the consequences, but after confirming the news, she shed tears and said in a low voice: "After all, this meeting is still during the funeral of Empress Xiaoxian. If Master Jiu doesn't take the initiative to invite Ying, the emperor is afraid I can't bear to ask him to go. Why does he bother..."

Wanxi looked back, and smiled quietly: "I also think of Second Master Fu, right? It's still in the funeral of Empress Xiaoxian, but Second Master Fu still has to send troops outside and cannot return to Beijing."

Yuhu's face turned red: "The master is making fun of the slave again!"

Wanxi pressed Yuhu's hand: "Second Master Fu is no longer in Tianjin, he was promoted to Gubeikou Admiral, and then moved to Guyuan Admiral. Although it is far away from the capital, it is a good thing to be promoted after all."

Yuhu also nodded: "It's rare that the emperor thinks highly of it."

Wanxi nodded and said: "I have already told the emperor in private about your matter. The emperor has already agreed. It's just that this meeting is still in the funeral of Empress Xiaoxian, and Fu Erye is the elder brother of Empress Xiaoxian. It is inappropriate to hold a wedding at this meeting. The emperor told you to wait patiently, and when the mourning period expires in March next year, your good deeds will be fulfilled."

Yuhu's face was already flushed, and she was shy, so naturally she was even more happy.

But after a while of joy, Yuhu's eyes turned red again, and she knelt down in front of Wanxi.

"If that's the case, wouldn't there be only six months left for the slave to serve the master? This is called a slave...how can I be willing!"

Wanxi tried her best to just smile: "What stupid things are you talking about? Although I am reluctant, but after you leave the palace and get married, it's not like we won't be able to see each other. Just like Jiufujin, I will definitely try to arrange for us to meet."

Even so, between Wanxi and Jiufujin, they met each other as soon as they said they would, and it was rare to see each other so many times a year.What's more, Yuhu has lost the name of Fujin and Fujin after marrying in the past.With her future status, there is almost no chance to enter the palace.

Yuhu was tearful again, choked up and said: "If the master has made up his mind, then the slave should make some preparations in advance. The master should have thought about it. After the slave is gone, who will be entrusted with the errands in the Palace of Eternal Life Handle it? Yuhan, Yuye, or choose another person from outside?"

Yuhu was right, after all, some arrangements had to be made in advance.The women in charge of her palace are not like ordinary women, they are related to the safety of the entire Yongshou Palace.

Wanxi also sighed softly: "Yuhan is mature and prudent, but her temperament is too gentle after all. Ordinarily, if people in the palace do not obey the rules, her temper will not be easy to control."

Yuhu said: "In terms of temperament, Yuye is more suitable than Yuhan. Besides, Yuye grew up with her master since she was a child, so there is no need to doubt her loyalty. Even, Yuye has a bit of a master's shadow on her body. Things are taught by the master."

Yuhu still frowned slightly while speaking, "It's just..."

Wanxi lowered her head.

"I don't understand what you want to say. It's also because I have been too lenient to her in the past few years. I have asked her to enter the palace for a few years but I haven't been able to completely control her temper. There is more than aggressiveness, but not enough calmness."

And... between this girl and Mao Tuan'er, there is a vague love, alas!

 I’m here today, I’ll add more tomorrow~ Have a nice weekend.

  Thank you Mu Xizhen for the flash diamonds + red envelopes, Mi Mi's red envelopes, and Xixi's flash diamonds.Thank you for your monthly tickets as follows:

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  9 cards: hhxxhh11, 13431602501;

  6: lijiansh2009, Qingyu Mulan;

  2 cards: Yin Danya;
  1 card: dh1983, aboa
(End of this chapter)

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