Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1122: Something Is Wrong

Chapter 1122: Something Is Wrong (232 More)
Concubine Jia swung her sleeves: "The imperial concubine is worrying too much. Although the black charcoal has smoke, it is only used to burn the kang in the kang hole under the platform outside the hall, and it is not used in this hall."

"As for the smoke cages in the hall and the foot stove for Brother Jiu's quilts, the red charcoal that doesn't produce smoke is naturally used."

Concubine Jia lightly raised her eyes, and glanced at Nala with a chuckle: "My concubine gave birth to a brother, the emperor has asked the Ministry of Internal Affairs to add more red charcoal to the regulations; plus Brother Jiu's own regulations , it will be enough.”

"Don't worry if it's not enough, I'll just report it to the emperor. The emperor always loves his son, so he will ask the Ministry of Internal Affairs to add more. I don't dare to bother the imperial concubine."

Nala sneered: "Really? It's as if the emperor has only one son, you, brother nine! In the past, so many princes were born, and the emperor is also a bowl of water, and he doesn't treat one more than another!"

Concubine Chun smiled, and stretched out her hand to touch Nala's arm: "There are many old rules in the palace that need to be changed when Concubine Jia comes here. For example, the ancestors set the rules a long time ago, and no one is allowed to dig wild ginseng outside the customs." , all the mountain ginseng are enshrined in the imperial court, but the mother’s family of the concubine Jia, isn’t it special to use the ginseng from Changbai Mountain?”

"That's why people say that the good ginseng that is not available in the imperial hospital or the imperial pharmacy is in the hands of the concubine Jia's mother's family."

Concubine Jia squinted her eyes.

This is not because their family changed the court rules without authorization, but because their great-grandfather was still Korean after all. When they defected to Emperor Taizong Huang Taiji, they just gave some privileges because of this status.It's just that after so many years, she is now the emperor's imperial concubine and the prince's mother, so it is inappropriate to always mention that she is a descendant of Goryeo, so she can only bear it.

Concubine Chun lowered her head and smiled again: "Therefore, when it comes to the use of charcoal, maybe Concubine Jia is also special. Just like the boudoir name of Concubine Jia, "Jingsong", the word'song', Isn’t it the most famous ‘rime tree hanging’ in Jilin? Just from this name, we can see that our concubine Jia has never forgotten her roots and always remembers that her ancestors are Koreans.”

Concubine Jia couldn't help but change color.

No matter how much she plots for her son now, she is still embarrassed by this identity after all.Just because her ancestors were from Korea, the empress dowager never wanted to see her son.It is very difficult for such a son of Goryeo blood to inherit the Datong.

"If Concubine Chun said so, then I can't help laughing." Concubine Jia stared at Concubine Chun with a smile, "Concubine Chun's boudoir name is 'Su Wanrou', and being gentle is indeed unique to Han girls in Jiangnan!"
Wanxi didn't bother to listen to the three of them choking.

It was Nala's words before that made her pay attention.

She couldn't help but secretly reached out to pinch Brother Jiu's little feet.

She couldn't bear to pinch such a little baby, so she pinched it twice, but Brother Jiu didn't wake up.

Wanxi stared at Brother Nine's sleeping red face, and felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

"What's wrong with you?" Yuqin asked quickly when she noticed something was wrong.

Wanxi quickly replied: "I went to visit Empress Xiaoxian's mother's house to visit the elder brother of Jiu Ye, and that child used to be so flushed and lethargic..."

Yuqin was also taken aback, stood up hastily, and asked in a low voice, "You mean..."

Wanxi has already reached into the car and hugged Brother Jiu.

(End of this chapter)

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