Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1124 Volume 3 234 Small Life

Chapter 1124 Three Volumes 234 Small Life (5 More)
Concubine Jia couldn't care less about arguing with Nala Shi, she only raised her eyes to look at Nala Shi bitterly, then ran back to the Nuan Pavilion with the child in her arms, and shouted: "Extinguish all the charcoal fires! Please come the imperial doctor!"

All of a sudden, both the kang holes in the platform outside the hall and the smoke cages placed in the hall were poured out with pots of cold water.

The warm pavilion that was still as warm as midsummer just now turned into an ice cellar.

All the concubines hurriedly asked the women to get back the big woolen clothes and put them on.

Some even wanted to use a hand stove, but they were afraid that Concubine Jia would be jealous of charcoal fires, so they held back to no avail.Even if he was holding it in his hand, he poured out the tea himself.

It's not appropriate to stand here in such embarrassment, Wan Concubine looked at the crowd and took the lead, leading the low-ranking concubines below the concubine to leave first.

Yuqin wanted to stay with Wanxi, but in the end she had to resign because of her status as a nobleman.

Wanxi nodded to Yuqin, indicating that Yuqin should rest assured.

The hall was quiet for most of the time, and when the imperial doctor arrived, Nala personally stepped forward and ordered: "Look carefully. The emperor's heir is precious, if there is anything wrong, I will tell you to die first!"
Because of the charcoal fire, it was as cold as an icehouse in the warm pavilion at this moment, Wanxi hurried into the car, pulled out the warm quilt that Brother Jiu had covered earlier, and wrapped it up for Brother Jiu.

Brother Jiu cried loudly at this moment, which made everyone feel relieved.

"But how did this happen?" Concubine Shu said softly from the side: "We were all in this warm pavilion just now, even if there was smoke and fire, we should be somewhat infected. Even if a child is weak, an adult should at least It should be more or less stuffy and dizzy. But I think that just now, each of us has something strange."

Concubine Jia glanced at Concubine Shu, and said: "As I said before, all the red charcoal used in this hall does not emit smoke! How could this be..."

Wanxi's heart skipped a beat, and she couldn't help but walk back to Youche.

The small quilt was pulled away, revealing a small footstove where the small quilt had previously covered.

Wanxi sniffed it by herself, and couldn't help avoiding it quickly, so she went to the door with a small foot stove, and fell on the platform outside.

"Concubine Jia, I don't know who served this foot furnace?"
Concubine Jia was also startled, she let go of her hands and stood up to have a look.

"Could it be that this foot stove...?"

Wanxi nodded: "Concubine Shu is right, we were all here just now, Brother Jiu shouldn't be the only one suffering. I thought of this foot furnace."

"The foot stove is covered under the quilt, the smoke is blocked by the quilt, and only a narrow gap is exposed at the neck of Brother Jiu, so the smoke can only be smelled by Brother Jiu..."

Concubine Jia staggered, turned her head and shouted like crazy: "Shunji!"

Shunji is the woman who is in charge of Concubine Jia's side, Wanxi couldn't help but feel a slight twitch when she heard Concubine Jia call Shunji.

Judging from her mother's heart, Concubine Jia must ask the most trustworthy person in the palace to take care of the expenses for Brother Jiu.Therefore, could it be said that Shun Ji prepared this foot stove by herself?
Shun Jiben hugged Brother Jiu personally on the kang, and was treated by the imperial physician.

Hearing the cold sound of the master going mad, he was so startled that he quickly rolled off the kang.

In a panic, he almost dropped Brother Jiu.

Shunji crawled up and down in front of Concubine Daojia and knelt down in tears, "I don't dare! Master, master, you must learn from me!"

Concubine Jia was already startled, pale and trembling all over.

"How dare you say that you didn't fill that foot stove yourself?!"

(End of this chapter)

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