Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1130 Chapter 3 240 This is going to be beaten to death

Chapter 1130 Three volumes 240 This is going to be beaten to death (1 more)
On December 24, the emperor is about to seal, preparing for the new year.

It is said that from the time of the seal, the emperor and all the government offices in Beijing have stopped working, and the seal will be reopened after the new year.

From this day on, the palace began to officially prepare for the New Year.Wanxi happily waited for the emperor to return from the previous court.

Although I understand that this year's Chinese New Year, even if the emperor seals it, it is impossible not to work.After all, Fu Heng had just arrived in Dajinchuan, and the emperor was still waiting for the battle report from Dajinchuan.As long as Fu Heng has a copy, the emperor will definitely get up in the middle of the night to work with the minister of military affairs.

But after all...it's the Chinese New Year, Wanxi wanted to take advantage of the New Year's atmosphere to make the emperor relax a bit.

As for Brother Nine's words, she also wanted to take advantage of the reunion of the royal father and son during the Chinese New Year, so she whispered it.

But the left can't come, and the right can't come.Until the lights were turned on, the emperor hadn't come back yet.

Wanxi understood in her heart that something might happen again in the previous dynasty.

Wanxi was worried about the emperor, so she quietly asked Mao Tuan'er to inquire about it.

Mao Tuan'er also went away for a long time, and by the time he got back, the night had completely covered the sky and the earth.Although the red lights in the palace were burning as hard as they could, they couldn't penetrate the night.

Wanxi glanced at Mao Tuan'er, then lowered her eyes: "Something happened. You said it was."

The state-owned Jinchuan incident, and the chaos in the Jingren Palace in the harem, Wanxi thought at this moment: What else could happen?What could be more important than these two?

She has carried these two things over, what else can't she carry?
But Mao Tuan'er lifted his robe in front of Wanxi and knelt down on his knees: "Master..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, Mao Tuan'er's voice trembled, and the circles of his eyes were already red.

Wanxi couldn't help but stop the needlework in her hand.

During the Chinese New Year, there is a lot of needlework in the palace. The palace people make new clothes and buy new shoes by themselves, and there are always some things to give as gifts.Although Wanxi's needlework is not very good, she can still show her heart at critical moments.

Besides, the jade pot will leave the palace in March.This Yongshou Palace is already equivalent to Yuhu's natal family, and she is equivalent to the head of Yuhu's natal family, so she always wants to make some dowry for Yuhu herself.

Today is the day when the emperor seals the imperial court, so her needlework can only be done today.After today, not to mention being busy with the New Year, those who are under the New Year are also taboo to use needles and threads, saying that they are afraid of sticking their hands.

It's time to hold the lamp, and Wanxi stopped her needlework just waiting for the emperor to come back.But the emperor came back late, so she couldn't stop her sewing.

Sure enough... is something difficult going to happen?

Wanxi put the needlework back into the basket, sat upright, and looked at the hair ball quietly.

"What else can happen, you say it is. There is nothing I can't bear."

Mao Tuan'er kowtowed to the ground: "Return to the master... Prince Zhuang Yunlu participated in the performance of the master's Ama, and the leader of the internal management, Lord Qingtai... Say yes, please approve the emperor, and you will be punished by eighty sticks!"

"What did you say?" Wanxi stood up abruptly: "I, Ama, what did he do?"

The Chinese New Year is coming, and when all the government offices are going to seal the holiday for the New Year, if Ama is accused of crimes, how will the family live this year?

At any rate, this year is the year of her becoming a concubine, so there will inevitably be some celebrations at home.If Ama was beaten like this... how will the family continue?
What's more, it's eighty sticks!I heard that twenty sticks can beat a person to death, let alone eighty sticks!

This is basically for the New Year's Eve, beat her Ama to death!

 I just couldn't log in... Everyone has been waiting for a long time.

(End of this chapter)

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