Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1134 Chapter 3 244

Chapter 1134 Three Volumes 244
Thinking of the emperor, Wanxi finally smiled, and her heart became more relaxed.

She suddenly remembered one more thing.

"Mao Tuaner, do you still remember the fifth year of Qianlong, when the emperor and I first met? At that time, the emperor went to investigate the flag land, because of the conspiracy of Hongxi, the son of the former crown prince Yunfeng of the Kangxi Dynasty, and Prince Li. case……"

Mao Tuan'er hurriedly said: "Exactly! Because the prince of the clan is involved, the matter is so important that the emperor went to investigate in person."

Wanxi smiled: "I remember that Prince Zhuang Yunlu was also involved in that case."

Mao Tuan'er also clapped his hands: "That's right! At that time, Prince Zhuang Yunlu was the Minister of Prime Minister Affairs, so the emperor's kindness, and Prince Zhuang's salary for the two princes was extremely prestigious! Therefore, the sons of the crown prince have very close contacts... After the emperor took care of Hongxi, although he did not punish Prince Zhuang, he also suspended Prince Zhuang's double salary, and dismissed him from the official position..."

Wanxi smiled: "Then I can rest assured. Such a prince will provoke troubles in front of the emperor. Even though the emperor is very respectful, he will not take his words to heart!"

Just as he was talking, the jade pot outside raised his voice: "My servant, send your respects to the emperor!"

Wanxi was startled, knowing that Yuhu was notifying her that the emperor was back.

Wanxi got up with a smile and hurriedly went out.

The emperor had already strode in, opened the door curtain, and his long legs had already stepped into the threshold.

Mao Tuan'er and the others retreated, and Wanxi personally waited for the emperor to wash his face and hands, and helped the emperor take off his big clothes. Both of them were wearing their middle clothes comfortably, sitting cross-legged on the kang and talking.

Even though what was surging in her heart was worry about her father, and the words rushed to her lips several times, but Wanxi still held back her life.

All that appeared in front of her eyes was Wanbi's face that was still calm even though it was full of tears; she still had Wanbi's instructions in her ears, telling her to always remember that she was no longer a daughter of her mother's family, but a daughter of her mother's family. It is the emperor's harem. "Whether it's for someone else's mother's family or your own mother's family, you don't ask for mercy."

Wanxi took a deep breath and swallowed all her worries.

Across the kang table, and the faint gauze red light on the kang table, the emperor narrowed his eyes and looked at her, "What are you hiding, I almost choked to hiccup just looking at it."

Wanxi laughed with a "puchier": "Master is wrong, I don't hiccup, I snort!"

As she spoke, Wanxi deliberately imitated a rooster crow twice.

In short, I still absolutely refrain from asking, and don't beg for mercy.

Only then did the emperor snort softly: "My lord is coming back late today. I thought I would be able to concentrate on spending the New Year with you after the seal, but because of the seal today, there are so many things to finish."

Wanxi nodded with a smile: "Why do you need to explain to me? Outsiders don't know, how can I not know that the seal of the master is for others. Even if it is a holiday, it is only for the ministers. Where is the master himself?" Is there any rest?"

Only then did the emperor sigh softly, and stretched out his hand to grab Wanxi's hand: "It's enough for someone to understand me."

Wanxi nodded and smiled: "It's just that I am still concerned about Dajinchuan. It's the New Year's Eve. I have to eat boiled buns during the New Year, and the servant has to do my part--Master, let me tell you, this year's [-]th night, if you want to eat What stuffed boiled pastry? The slave should prepare it earlier."

The emperor snorted: "Do you still need to ask me? You can do whatever you want. After all, every year is thirty, and I eat alone in the middle of the night."

(End of this chapter)

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