Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1136 Volume 3 246 Quietly Distressed

Chapter 1136: The Three Volumes 246 Secretly Distressed (7 More)
Wanxi is like a full kitten, snuggling in the emperor's arms contentedly, half-closed her sleepy eyes, and said softly: "... After all, the slave is still young. You don't have to worry about your age, after all, the slave is 16 years younger than you If you go, the servant will transfer all his youth to the master."

She gently slid up and bit the emperor's ear.

"If someone is old, he is called a slave; but the emperor is always young."

"If someone dies, ask the servant to go first; tell the emperor to send the servant away."

The emperor shook her violently, raised his arms and hugged her fiercely, as if she had been crushed.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

After Wanxi finished saying such a sentence, she was so sleepy that she fell directly into dreamland.

The emperor widened his eyes, staring at the little girl who fell asleep like this, his heart was full of churning, how could he fall asleep again?
16 years old, he is 16 years older than her.Even if someone goes first, he should go first.

Why is she full of nonsense...

Called his heart, such a pain.
Because it has been sealed, there is no need to go through the "early court" procedure the next morning, and the emperor is happy to get up late for a while.

But no matter how late I got up, I just waited until the sky was bright, and I still didn't wait for the sun to get up.

Wanxi got up in person to help the emperor tidy up his clothes.

The morning light was dim, and Wanxi deliberately did not light the lamp, only using the duck egg blue sky light to meet the emperor's eyes.

Only in this way can it not illuminate the splendid palace and the majestic dragon robe; in this way it is not the emperor and the harem, but just like the homes of ordinary people.

What is on my mind at this moment is tacit.

The emperor stared at her.

She was always different from other harems, she helped him arrange his clothes every morning, just like Empress Xiaoxian and the others, they got up first and tidied themselves before appearing neatly in front of him.As if he was afraid that he would see any imperfection on their faces, heads, or bodies.

She never was.Just like this time, she only wears the most close-fitting little dress, letting her long black hair hang down her knees.There is no trace of makeup powder on the face, only the egg-blue sky can be broken by blowing bullets.

The emperor couldn't help reaching out and pinching her cheek again.

I thought: yes, the harem has always been summoned, and after serving the bed, the harem retreats to the next bedroom to rest.Empress Xiaoxian is in the East Nuan Pavilion of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Nala and others are in the West Nuan Pavilion; ordinary concubines are in the east and west enclosures.No one could sleep with him all night.Therefore, when he got up in the morning, the harem all came from their respective bedrooms, and naturally everything was tidied up.

But the person in front of him is not after all.

This is her own palace, she has been in his arms all night and never left.Therefore, there is no way not to look at such a "unkempt" appearance.

The emperor thought to himself, and he was inexplicably happy, so he smiled.

Wanxi raised her eyes and looked over: "My lord, why are you secretly having fun?"

The emperor snorted, but suddenly raised his voice and called Li Yu out of the window: "Bring the "Laws of the Qing Dynasty"!"

Li Yu outside the window was startled, and Wanxi's heart skipped a beat.

Li Yu was stunned outside, and then he smiled and said: "Your Majesty, the "Laws of the Qing Dynasty" are so thick... Will the slaves move here?"

The emperor snorted softly, but his eyes were fixed and Wanxi said: "As long as the 'Great Sacrifice Prison of Jade Coins and Millet' is one."

Wanxi's heart tightened even more, she tried her best to be steady, but her fingertips were still a little cold.

Li Yu, who was outside the window, went by order, returned after a while, and handed it back to the emperor.

Wanxi only glanced at it, then quickly squatted down: "Does the emperor want to deal with official business in the slave palace for a while? The slave will avoid it first, the emperor should be busy."

 and also.

(End of this chapter)

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