Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1142: The Same Grievance

Chapter 1142: The Same Grievance (252 More)
In fact, the situation had become embarrassing at that time: the emperor scolded Yonghuang and Yongzhang in June, and only promoted Nala as imperial concubine on the first day of July.Therefore, the birthday celebration in July happened after Yonghuang had been deprived of his inheritance rights.

At that time, Yonghuang was useless, so Nalashi naturally wanted to avoid Yonghuang as far as he could.Therefore, in her own mind, what kind of birthday should she celebrate Yonghuang's son!

It's just that she said that she would celebrate the birthdays of the two emperor's grandsons before June, and the emperor had already given her permission, and the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Internal Affairs had already made preparations.Therefore, in July, Nala had no choice but to bite the bullet and bury the hole he had dug.

However, the Nala family did not follow the original arrangement to welcome the two grandsons into the palace to celebrate, but just gave some gifts to the two grandsons.The attitude of avoiding suspicion couldn't be more clear.

Therefore, when Ergenjue Luoshi mentioned this matter at this moment, his heart was still sore.

After all, it was the first year of my son's birth. He thought he could cook oil with a high fire, but he turned out to be so cold and desolate.

Besides, July is not the first birthday of her Mian En, but the birthday of the eldest son Mian De.Her Mian En's real birthday is on August [-]th.Just because he is a concubine, even if there is a royal concubine to give his birthday, he can only live the life of the eldest son of the family.

As a result, Ergenjue Luoshi felt double grievances.

And these two grievances, why don't they all show that Nala's disregard for Mian'en.
Wanxi quietly looked at Ergen Jueluo's expression, then smiled lightly.

"Today, neither Di Fujin nor Brother Mian De came, so I don't care about them. This is only related to you and Brother Mian En, so I gave my heart to Mian En first. Brother."

As Wanxi spoke, she took out two ponies from her bosom.

They are all the same as the lion for the fourth princess. It is made of silk piled into velvet flowers. It is fluffy, three-dimensional and cute.

Horses are the favorite of Manchurians, and there is no boy who doesn't like them. Although Mian En is small, he recognizes it at a glance. He points to the pony and calls: "Ma..."

Wan Xi clapped her hands and smiled: "Brother Mian En is so smart! To tell the truth, Fujin said that my craftsmanship is not very good. I used to make a lion for the fourth princess, but even the emperor said it was a tiger... I am still worried. Brother Mian En couldn't recognize it, or it might be something else. But you see, Brother Mian En opened his mouth and said the right thing, which shows that he really has a destiny with me!"

Wanxi then held up the two ponies to Mian En and said, "Let's choose for Mian En first. Mian En will see which of the two ponies is better, so the empress will give the better one to Brother Mian En. "

Children naturally don't understand the deep meaning of these words, how can Fujin not understand that side, his eyes are full of tears at this moment.

The family background of Fujin's family is the Wang surname Yelu in the Liao Dynasty, and the official position of Ama of Fujin is Dutong, that is, the former banner owner and the title of captain of Qingche; while Fujin's own Ama is just A seventh-rank official... Therefore, in the elder brother's mansion, although she is a side Fujin, she will never be able to hold her head up in front of Di Fujin.

His own son was only born one month later than his legitimate son, but the treatment he received was not the same in any way.

Today, the concubine and empress valued her so much, and even made her like Mianen even more than she said, and she could let her son choose the gift first... Her heart has already surrendered in this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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