Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1154 Chapter 3 264 That Color Doesn't Suit You

Chapter 1154 Chapter Three Volume 264 That Color Doesn't Suit You (5 More)
Wanxi was startled, squatted down hastily, held the fourth princess in her arms, and asked softly: "What's wrong with Nianhua? Tell your mother, let her beat it!"

After all, it was late at night. Although it was Chinese New Year, children's eyes were clear after all, so they might be able to see something.

What's more, this Forbidden City has been around for hundreds of years, so many people have lived and died here, every palace, or even every colonnade, there may be some shadows there.

Wanxi made a gesture and slapped vigorously in the air, even the emperor came over to hug the fourth princess: "You are my daughter, nothing can get close to you, don't be afraid! Tell Huang Ama, what do you see?"

With tears in her eyes, the fourth princess timidly raised her finger to Guiren Lin.

Both the emperor and Wanxi turned to Guiren Lin in amazement.

Lin Guiren himself was startled, and hurried over and squatted down, trying to get close to the fourth princess.

"Fourth princess, don't be afraid, ah."

The fourth princess still shed tears, pointing at Lin Guiren and not letting go.

It was her own elder brother Yong Rong who came over and knelt on one leg and played: "Huihuang Ama, Ling Niangniang, Lin Guiren, fourth sister, she was frightened by the color of Lin Guiren's body."

The emperor also frowned: "That's not right! It's late at night, wearing such a red suit, no wonder the child is afraid."

Lin Guiren's cheeks blushed, and he couldn't help but took a deep breath and looked at the sixth elder brother Yong Rong: "How did the sixth elder brother know that it was the fourth princess who was afraid of the color on my body? The fourth princess has always been friendly with the concubine and the concubine. Xifu crabapples are planted in the palace, and the concubines and empresses also love to wear this crabapple red, so how can the fourth princess be afraid?"

Yong Rong slightly shrugged his shoulders: "Naturally, the fourth younger sister is not afraid of making your empress wear it. But in this palace, the fourth younger sister is only used to seeing your empress wearing this color, and your empress never wears it in the middle of the night, so the fourth younger sister is so cold when she sees others. Wearing it, and being so shady again, I was afraid."

The fourth princess heard what the sixth brother said, and then she fell into the emperor's arms, put her head on the emperor's shoulder, and wept softly.

The emperor felt distressed, and frowned at nobleman Lin: "Hurry up and change!"

Guiren Lin bit her lip: "But... this concubine wears this color all over her body, and there is no concubine's clothes in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, so..."

The emperor raised his eyebrows, "You are a nobleman, and it is true that the Hall of Mental Cultivation does not have your room. But there are others."

The emperor looked at Li Yu while talking.Li Yu also hurriedly said: "Back to the emperor, there are still a few masters' clothes in the anteroom. It's just..."

The emperor snorted: "It's a place, and you can't mix it up, but there are still ordinary clothes that they handed down that are old and not so high. Just go and find one."

Li Yu hurried away, and when he reached the east anteroom, he finally picked out an old dress of the imperial concubine.

Lin Guiren reluctantly changed into it, and when he came out, he saw that the emperor had sat cross-legged on the kang with Wanxi and five heirs, and steaming dumplings had already been placed on the table.

Lin Guiren saluted and wanted to go to the kang.

The emperor nodded and smiled: "The boiled pastry that I gave you first, can you eat it? Is it delicious?"

Who dares to say that the restrained food bestowed by the emperor is unfinished or not tasty?Even though it was cold, Mrs. Lin still ate it all.Then he smiled and said, "It's very sweet."

The emperor nodded: "The portion is not light. It was prepared by the imperial dining room according to the portion of the master. If you ask a girl to eat it at home, you will have to hold on."

The emperor pointed to the ground: "If you ask you to eat again at this moment, it will definitely be difficult for you. Why don't you digest it, so let's continue the dance that was not finished just now. Also for the concubine Ling and the children, have fun. "

(End of this chapter)

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