Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1162 Chapter 3 272

Chapter 1162 Three Volumes 272
Concubine Chun made arrangements for Yong Rong and the Fourth Princess to finish their meals, and asked Mammy to take them down to catch up on sleep.Concubine Chun still sat under the window in a daze for a while, then ordered Qiaorong and Manliu to change their clothes.

Qiao Rong then asked: "Master, where is this freshman in junior high school going?"

Concubine Chun sighed lightly: "I have to go and pay New Year's greetings to Concubine Huang."

Qiao Rong couldn't help but exchanged glances with Man Liu, stepped forward and said in a low voice: "Today is the first day of the Lunar New Year, when Empress Xiaoxian was here, she always accompanied the emperor to the Hall of Supreme Harmony to congratulate her on this day. But the emperor didn't ask the imperial concubine to go this year, saying that she is not qualified to accept congratulations from civil and military officials before she is in the middle palace. The imperial concubine must be throwing cups and bowls in the palace again at this moment, so why bother? To touch this mold at this moment?"

Concubine Chun nodded: "In the past, when Empress Xiaoxian was sick, the emperor also asked Concubine Huixian to replace the queen and accompany the emperor to attend the grand ceremony. At that time, Empress Huixian was just a concubine, but now Nala is the Sixth Palace It's about the imperial concubine, but the emperor still doesn't ask her to go. She is naturally angry."

Both women nodded: "Master, it's better not to go."

Concubine Chun sighed softly: "The more this is the case, the more I have to go. Don't you know her temper? Since there is fire in her heart, she will definitely lash out at the people around her. The incident happened last night. It's hard to guarantee that she won't find fault with my children."

"So today, I know I'm going to get into trouble, so I have to go."
Concubine Chun finished packing and went to Chengqian Palace.

Nala stared at Concubine Chun and smiled: "Hey, you came early. Why don't you enjoy family happiness with your children? What are you doing here so early?"

Really very angry.

Concubine Chun lowered her head and smiled: "I can see that Concubine Huang really misunderstood the children. They have already told me what happened last night when they came back. Originally, I wanted to bring them here to apologize to Guiren Lin, but they I didn't sleep well last night, and now I'm in trouble, so I didn't bring them here."

Leaning his elbows on the big lead pillow of the dark green money python, Nala could not help but sneer, and his shoulders shrugged: "See, you are contradicting yourself. You also know that your child offended Guiren Lin, you also said that you would bring them here to make an apology to Guiren Lin; what did you say that I misunderstood your children?"

"Lin Guiren is Lin Guiren, I am me, what are you talking about when you get mixed up?!"

Concubine Chun took a deep breath, and instead of backing away, she moved closer to Nala: "Concubine Huang really thinks that my children have done something wrong?"
Nala raised her eyes, stared quietly at the pure noble concubine for a while, and then couldn't help but sneer: "How fresh! They didn't do anything wrong, could they still do it right?"

"Su Wanrou, you are my person at this moment. What happened yesterday, your child didn't know that he was helping Mrs. Lin, but instead turned against Concubine Ling, causing Mrs. Lin to be kicked back in the middle of the night?"

"Su Wanrou, since you don't sincerely join forces with me, then I won't force you! There are many people in this palace who want to cling to me and do things for me, and I don't lack you. As for your child, I'll just wait and see Understood, it is totally unworthy of praise!"

"There are too many princes in this palace, even if the princes are not good enough, there are still grandsons. I don't want you and your son!"

Concubine Chun took a deep breath: "Concubine Huang Guifei really wrongly blamed me and my children. What my children did yesterday seemed to help Concubine Ling, but in fact it was not for the good of Lin Guiren and Huang Guifei?"

(End of this chapter)

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