Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1173: Your Sin

Chapter 1173: Your Sin (283 more)
I thought I would do my best tonight... but it turned out that it was all in vain after all?
The imperial concubine praised her, and the imperial concubine asked her to come to the Hall of Mental Cultivation several times to invite pets... But it turned out that she had already made up her mind tonight, but she was still stuck on the hurdle of the imperial concubine?

The emperor said that's all, smiled and patted her face again, but turned his head and asked outside the door: "Li Yu, is the milk tea here yet?"

Li Yu hurriedly walked in, with an embarrassed expression on his face: "Going back to the emperor...he hasn't come yet. My slave thought, maybe it took a lot of time, so it took me a while."

The emperor smiled and shook his head lightly: "That's not true. No need to rush, I know what's in my heart, just wait."

Lin Guiren quietly raised his eyes to look at the emperor. Even though he was only discussing a bowl of milk tea at this moment, the emperor's eyes showed such strange tenderness.

It's as if a big living person like her can't compare to a bowl of milk tea...
After the emperor finished asking, he looked down at Lin Guiren.

"What are you thinking, huh? Look at you, you are still distracted in front of me."

Guiren Lin hurriedly pleaded guilty: "I know the crime."

The emperor slowly sat up straight: "Convicted? You also said tonight that you came to plead guilty... Then I have to listen carefully. What crime do you know and what crime do you want to plead?"

Lin Gui's heart trembled, and he thought, Didn't the emperor say that wearing begonia red and dancing are not sins?
The emperor lowered his eyes and said, "There is no joke before you. Since you say you are guilty and pleading guilty, you should always make it clear. Otherwise, wouldn't you be sincerely deceiving the king?"
The emperor's words suddenly changed, and the expression on his face also changed.Lin Guiren was completely defenseless, his breath was a stalk.

"Your majesty, concubine..."

The emperor raised his eyes contemptuously, "Say, you know where you are guilty?!"

The emperor suddenly put on a straight face like this... Lin Guiren's tenderness was like a flower that has just bloomed, frozen by a burst of frost.She was so frightened that her mind stopped and she couldn't open her mouth.

But he didn't dare not answer the emperor's words, so he searched his stomach and tried his best to find the answer.

Where did she go wrong, where did she go wrong?

She was speechless for a while, and the emperor raised his eyebrows: "Just now you said to me, 'Your Majesty, this slave hurts'. Mrs. Lin, you have always called yourself a 'concubine' in front of me, why did you suddenly call yourself a concubine?" Got a 'minion'?"

The emperor tilted his head in such a leisurely manner, propping his forehead with his fingertips.

"You were born as a beautiful girl from the Eight Banners, and you are not a woman from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. You have always been in the palace, and you have never been an official woman. What do you call yourself a 'slave', huh?"
Lin Guiren was startled, he never expected that the emperor would suddenly ask from this place.

Why did she blurt out "minion" at that moment?She remembered how Concubine Ling called herself in front of the emperor last night.

Even the imperial concubine always emphasized that the concubine Ling was born under the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and was originally a servant of the royal family.Concubine Ling was born as an official woman, so it is because of her humility that the emperor likes it.So when she said that sentence just now, she didn't consciously say that.

Guiren Lin took a deep breath and tried to defend himself: "Because in this world, everyone is the emperor's slave. Even the ministers of the former court, as long as they come from under the banner, they have to call themselves 'slaves' to the emperor even in the memorial. There are Hanchens who are not in the banner, so they call themselves 'chens'."

"So the slave is the emperor's slave..."

The emperor laughed until he clapped his hands: "I see! Although there has never been such a rule in the harem, it's fine to call yourself a 'concubine'. But since you like it, I will give you this personal favor!"

 Mother is an important identity of a woman, but not the only one.This article is about the life of a harem woman, not a baby article, so having children is not the only focus.You can only give birth when it’s time to give birth, and you won’t disrupt the previous progress just to have a baby~~ And it’s really impossible to keep the birth now.

  Besides, it has been said that in history, the concubine Ling gave birth late, and that was the second half of her life, so the plot of giving birth is later.As for which chapter will happen, because it is a post while writing, I can't figure it out myself~ But it will happen when it should happen, and there must be a plot that should have it. Don't worry.

(End of this chapter)

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