Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1176 Chapter 3 286 What I Think

Chapter 1176 Three Volumes 286 What I Think (1 More)
Yuye suddenly heard Sun Yuqing say such a sentence, and both of them immediately became hot.Fortunately, it was night and there were no lights in the yard.

Yuye calmed down her heartbeat, and spat coquettishly: "Bah! It really is Mao Tuan'er's younger brother, neither of you has a good mouth! What nonsense are you talking, you should be torn apart Go with that mouth!"

Sun Yuqing was only a teenager at any rate, and he had only entered the palace from Yuanmingyuan for half a year; plus the servants in front of the imperial court, no matter whether it was in the palace or Yuanmingyuan, there were no women, only eunuchs, so he had little chance to get along with officials and women. Not many times.Yu Ye spit on her head and face so suddenly that she was stunned.

"Aunt... Where did I go wrong?"

Yu Ye stomped her feet angrily: "Who is in the same family as Mao Tuan'er? Tell me clearly! I meant to say that you and him are in the same family. Aren't you brothers and sisters? You are all like Li Wenda's son. This is family!"

Only then did Sun Yuqing understand, and he also smiled: "I am an aunt, what are you so anxious about, so it is this. But now my aunt is the woman in charge of the Yongshou Palace, and my elder brother Mao Tuan'er is the chief eunuch of the Yongshou Palace. Both of them are slaves of Master Ling... Isn't this also a family?"

Sun Yuqing's words made Yuye speechless for a moment, standing in the night, staring at Sun Yuqing for a long while reflecting the dim light from afar.

Finally snorted, then turned around and left: "Okay, it really is from your brothers and sisters, and they are all so forceful. I will ignore you!"

Yu Ye walked away after saying that, and turned directly to the platform of the sleeping hall.The light reflected from the glass window was even brighter, illuminating her slim waist.The lattice windows were printed on her body one by one, making Sun Yuqing feel dazzled and fascinated when she looked at it for a while, and forgot to roll her eyes.

It wasn't until he was patted hard on the shoulder that he suddenly came back to his senses, and hurriedly turned his head to look over, only to see that Mao Tuan'er had returned.

Mao Tuan'er narrowed his eyes and stared at him: "What are you looking at?" So he followed the direction of his gaze.

Sun Yuqing hurriedly looked away, not wanting Mao Tuan'er to look over.He just turned around and bowed: "Brother is back. I wonder where Master Ling...?"

Mao Tuan'er didn't see anything, so he raised his eyebrows: "Well, the master tells you to go back and wait at ease, the master will prepare it by himself."

Sun Yuqing laughed, and bowed deeply to Mao Tuan'er: "Thank you brother!"

He turned around and wanted to leave, but turned around and walked back: "I'd better wait here for Master Ling. It's dark and slippery, and I'll go back with Master Ling later. Otherwise, if I go back like this, the Emperor and Master No, I’m not satisfied either.”

After all, it was cold outside, so Mao Tuan'er led Sun Yuqing into the eunuch's duty room.The small dilapidated houses are on both sides of the palace gate, and they are all smoked with charcoal at this moment. Although the lights are dim, they are still warm.

After all, it is his junior brother, Mao Tuan'er scolds him, so he will accompany him personally at this moment.He took out the two packs of pastries that he was not willing to eat, and gave them to Sun Yuqing.

Sun Yuqing was grateful for his kindness, but he was a little absent-minded while eating the pastry.

Mao Tuan'er kicked him: "Don't be distracted! Are you still worried that our master will care about you? Your heart, let it go. Our master will not even hold grudges against Lin Guiren—" Our master understands best, this is the reason why people are under the eaves and can't help themselves."

Sun Yuqing smiled awkwardly: "No, I didn't think about it."

 Mao Tuaner is a real person in history~~O(∩_∩)O~
(End of this chapter)

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