Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1180: No One Else

Chapter 1180 Three Volumes 290 No Others (5 More)
The emperor didn't even wait for the New Year's Eve, and as soon as the fifth day passed, the Ministry of Internal Affairs came to Chengqian Palace to clean up Lin Changzai's palace stuff.

From being a nobleman to a permanent presence, it is no longer appropriate to keep the furnishings in the palace that belonged to the nobleman's position. The Ministry of Internal Affairs sent people to count and record them in the account books, and carried them out one by one.

Concubine Chun came to pay her respects, just in time.Concubine Chun couldn't help standing in the courtyard and watching for a long while before entering the main hall of Nala family.

"What do you mean, it's so broken that even the common people's homes are sweeping dust outside to send poor gods away. Why does the Ministry of Internal Affairs carry out all the valuables in boxes?"

Even though it wasn't Nala's stuff that was moved, it was still in her palace.Nala's eyes were already filled with anger, and she couldn't help snorting coldly: "Who would have thought that the emperor would downgrade her for the New Year's Eve! What can she do if she is downgraded and doesn't return her things?"

Concubine Chun sighed: "Now with the status of imperial concubine, it is the official woman in the imperial concubine's palace who is enfeoffed, and the first concubine should be a nobleman. But Lin Guiren was demoted to become a permanent presence, which is not as good as the imperial concubine's palace." The official woman in the village."

"Who said no!" Nala gritted her silver teeth: "I never thought that she would be so useless! Now that she has demoted herself, she is embarrassing to me! If she lowered her position, why didn't she make Liu Gong see my joke!"

Concubine Chun raised her eyebrows and nodded: "But after all, she is her. The imperial concubine is the imperial concubine. She was selected by the Eight Banners draft, and she was placed in the imperial concubine's palace. She was not cultivated by the imperial concubine herself. Someone wanted to see her." It's a joke, but there's nothing to laugh about."

"Slap me in the face anyway!" Nala's eyes were still cold: "I am the lord of the sixth palace, but I can't even protect a noble person in my own palace, so why am I still majestic in this sixth palace? "

Concubine Chun lowered her head unhurriedly: "How else can you say that Lin Changzai is still young after all. She has just entered the palace for a year, and she is only sixteen years old. How much can she know, and what can she do to help the imperial concubine?" Woolen cloth?"

Nala squinted her eyes to look at the pure imperial concubine, then nodded slowly: "You are right, I am in the harem, and I have to rely on senior and knowledgeable people like you."

The more Nala thought about it, the more unhappy she became, and she couldn't help but dropped the handkerchief in her hand: "After all, it's the hoof of the Eight Banners Han army! Thanks to my continuous promotion, it turns out that the mud can't hold her up on the wall!"
Concubine Chun didn't stay for long, she went back after talking for a while.

Because the two palaces are adjacent to each other, Concubine Chun didn't sit in a sedan chair, but walked quickly and easily.

Qiao Rong supported Concubine Chun, and said involuntarily: "At the end of the talk, she scolded her! It doesn't matter how she scolds Lin Changzai, but every time she scolds someone, she doesn't care about the identity of the master!"

Concubine Chun smiled softly: "She doesn't take me seriously, and it's not just a matter of this moment. It's from the hidden mansion to the present, and she has always been like this for almost 20 years."

"I'm numb too, because I don't have the same knowledge as her. Anyway, I still have to ask her at this moment, and I can bear the anger of being under the eaves."

Concubine Chun raised her eyes lightly after she finished speaking, and looked at the narrow sky. "

"After all, she can't do without me now. She wants to cultivate a young man who is willing to bow to her, but it's a pity that Lin Changzai is useless. As long as she has no one under her command, she can only rely on me , so I can only take care of my Yong Rong."

Qiao Rong also nodded: "In any case, whether it's Lin Changzai or someone in the future, if one of her subordinates comes, we have to try to bring down the other, so that she has nothing to rely on."

(End of this chapter)

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