Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1191 Chapter 3 Separate

Chapter 1191 Three Volumes 301 Separate (8 More)
Yuye threw Zhuhua viciously back into Mao Tuan'er's arms.

Mao Tuan'er was completely dumbfounded, hugged Zhu Hua, but only stared at Yu Ye anxiously: "Girl, what's wrong with you? For no reason, why are you angry with me this early in the morning? "

He took a breath and teased her again: "...Could it be that I had a nightmare last night, dreaming that I bullied you, huh?"

Yu Ye suddenly took two steps back, sneered coldly, shook her head and stared into his eyes.

"What are you thinking? I'm an official woman, what do I dream about you as an eunuch? I really want to dream, and I also have to dream about the husband I will marry after I leave the palace... Just like Aunt Yuhu, master You must also point me to a good marriage, I just have to wait with peace of mind."

Mao Tuan'er was trying his best to laugh, trying to maintain an appearance as if he was seriously joking.But at this moment, after all, I couldn't laugh anymore.

He had no choice but to turn his back, walk to the washbasin stand, scoop up water and wash his face.

"You're right," he said in the sound of the water splashing, "Your future will only be better than Aunt Yuhu. Based on your affection, the master will definitely point you to a high-ranking official as the successor to Fujin! "

He was too hasty, just scooping up water to wash his face, the bead flower in his bosom fell to the ground, he didn't even know it.

One wrong footstep, and he stepped on it himself.

In this world, the most fragile thing is nothing but flowers.Yu Ye watched the bead flower shatter with her own eyes, and the rice beads rolled all over the ground.

Her last sliver of luck was also shattered.

Sure enough, he didn't care about it.Then why should she care about it herself?

She sneered and turned her head away: "Okay, I've finished what I have to say to you, so let's go about our own business!"
Yuye rushed out of the collapsed house, and walked back in a hurry.

Yuyan's name came to her lips several times, but she herself restrained herself.

No, she didn't want to argue with him about Yuyan.After all, Yuyan is dead.

Then does she want to argue with him about his affection and cold-bloodedness?But that's a person's natural temperament. If she cares about it, what can she change?But just asking for trouble.

After all, she should have made the right choice.

If you do it right, you should not look back, let alone regret it.

Aunt Yuhu is about to get married, and she has to help her master carry this Yongshou Palace.

If Aunt Yuhu left, and something went wrong in Yongshou Palace, then how could she be worthy of the girl, she would have to look down on herself!
On March [-]th, an auspicious day, Yuhu was officially ordered out of the palace.

Because she is only an official woman, even if the emperor bestows on Fu Qing, she will never be able to marry from the palace.You have to go through the normal procedure for official women to go out of the palace, and take the official women out of the palace through the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and then marry from your own family according to the order.

Because Yuhu was originally a servant of the Fu family, and her parents were both dead, so her family is still the Fu family.Because she was the woman who used to be in charge of affairs in Yongshou Palace, and was once the dowry woman next to Empress Xiaoxian, so it was Fu Heng and Jiu Fujin who came to welcome Yuhu out of the palace as parents.

Fu Heng is a foreign official, so he is not suitable to enter the harem. It was Jiu Fujin who entered the palace to pick up the jade pot, and bid farewell to Wanxi instead of the jade pot.

Yuhu had been crying in the palace for a long time, and although Wanxi tried hard to hold back a tear, she refused to shed a tear, but the flesh in her palm was already torn by her nails.

Jiufujin and Yuhu knelt down in front of Wanxi together, Jiufujin said with a smile: "Reassure the master, let the master send over the dowry in advance, the slaves have arranged for the Yuhu, and will send it to the Yuhu when I turn back. "

"Even Master Jiu and the servant have prepared a heart for Yuhu... After all, I asked Miss Yuhu to go to the second brother's side, and I will not be inferior to anyone."

 See you tomorrow.Thank you for your monthly tickets as follows:

  6 cards: zqh1974, yameyou, Jiayou Liner;
  3 sheets: libixia317, estherliu;

  2 cards: Happy forever 99;

  1 photo: jinqiurong, Autumn is sunny

(End of this chapter)

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