Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1208 Chapter 3 Volume 318

Chapter 1208 Three volumes 318 (2 more)
In front of the concubines of the sixth palace, how could Nala be reconciled.

She looked up into the emperor's eyes, "What is the emperor talking about? Why is Brother Jiu not a concubine's child? Now that the concubine is the imperial concubine of the Sixth Palace, she should be in the middle palace next year. Then this palace All the children here are concubines' children!"

"Even though it seems to be the crime of the latecomers in Jingren Palace this time, there is nothing wrong with the concubine's decision before! The concubine is the empress dowager and the emperor's imperial concubine. You have the right to make that decision!"

"The concubine did that because of her status as the 'Lord of the Six Palaces', without any selfish intentions!"

The emperor squinted at Nalashi, and nodded slowly: "Okay, you're right."

The emperor turned his eyes and glanced at Li Yu: "Li Yu, here is my decree: the old man in Jingren Palace should be questioned quickly by the Punishment Department. If the evidence has been found, he will be prosecuted according to the law; Return to Jingren Palace."

The emperor glanced at Nala: "In this Jingren Palace, two groups of people can't be imprisoned in the Punishment Division, and no one will serve them!"

Nala pursed her lips and remained silent.

The emperor narrowed his eyes and looked at Nala family again: "The imperial concubine keeps saying that all the children in this palace are also her children, and she was not selfish when she dealt with the people in Jingren Palace last year... This reminds me of what happened last year." Here is a small matter. It was the first time that the imperial concubine brought Lin Changzai into the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and asked Lin Changzai to bring me sour plum soup... At that time, the soup tasted very special, and the imperial concubine specially explained it to me , said that the old wild ginseng brought to her by Concubine Jia's mother's house was put in the soup..."

Concubine Jia was weeping by the side, hearing this, her almond eyes widened involuntarily.

The emperor clicked and sighed softly: "I think about it afterwards, why did the imperial concubine emphasize that the most special thing in the soup is the filial piety of the Jia imperial concubine's family? Could it be that the person the imperial concubine wanted to introduce to me was not her Lin Changzai in my own palace is Concubine Jia who just gave birth?"

All the concubines wanted to laugh but they didn't dare to laugh, but they couldn't help but look at Nala with taunting eyes.

Nalashi's face was almost the color of a Zihe chariot under the red light at night.

The emperor shook his head lightly: "However, I think that the imperial concubine is not a direct empress after all, after all, she has been a concubine for these years, and she has just taken care of the sixth palace. She can't be as calm and orderly as the former Xiaoxian empress. Deviations are inevitable.”

"It's also because I have been busy with the affairs of the previous dynasty and the funeral of Empress Xiaoxian since last year, and I can't take care of the harem. I have thrown all the burden of the harem to the imperial concubine. It is also difficult for her."

The emperor lowered his long eyes: "If I force the imperial concubine to be the same as the empress Xiaoxian, then I will embarrass the imperial concubine; but after all, I take care of the previous dynasty, and it is impossible to always take care of the harem. It is better to compromise, and I will be in the six palaces." Among them, choose another person to assist the imperial concubine and manage the internal affairs."
As soon as the emperor's words came out, Nala's face immediately turned pale, while the rest of the concubines were full of blood, and their cheeks were even more red.

The emperor lowered his eyes and said: "Under the imperial concubine, naturally it should be a noble concubine. Now there are two noble concubines: pure noble concubine and Jia noble concubine. The two noble concubines have served Qiandi early, so they are the candidates I can rest assured, but these two They are both the mothers of the emperor's heirs, and there are young children to take care of around them, so I don't have the heart to burden them both."

"Below the noble concubine is the imperial concubine." The emperor raised his eyes and glanced at everyone: "Above the imperial concubine, there are three concubines Ling, Yu and Shu."

(End of this chapter)

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