Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1210 Chapter 3 Volume 320

Chapter 1210 Three volumes 320 (4 more)
Sure enough, Wanxi was right, and after a while, she saw Shunji, Yinji and others rushing in from outside.Although the hair should have been carefully tidied along the way, the body is still in a mess after all.Several people fell to their knees when they entered, crying bitterly.

Concubine Jia couldn't care less about Wanxi, and Concubine Shu was by the side, she got up and walked off the footsteps, hugged the price girl, and cried bitterly.

They used Korean dialect between them, and they couldn't understand it.Wanxi and Concubine Shu looked at each other, then got up to say goodbye.
The two of them walked out of the gate of Jingren Palace, not in a hurry to get into the sedan chair.

The Forbidden City at this hour is unusual even for the two of them.Usually at this time, the keys of each palace have already been issued, and they are the heads of the inner court, and they are not allowed to leave the palace without purpose.

Concubine Shu looked at Wanxi with a smile: "It's the first time I've come out so late. Are you sleepy, are you in a hurry to go back and settle down? If you're not in a hurry, can you walk with me all the way?"

Wanxi also nodded: "Okay."

The two walked side by side from the East Sixth Palace to the West Sixth Palace.

Concubine Shu stared directly at the night ahead, without turning her head, "... What do you think about assisting the internal affairs?"

Wanxi couldn't help looking sideways at Concubine Shu in the night.Although Concubine Shu is one year younger than Wanxi, she looks calm and resolute from the side.

Wanxi also looked away, and also only looked at the night ahead: "For those of us who are concubines, being able to assist in internal affairs is the peak of this harem life, right?"

Concubine Shu nodded: "So you also want to fight for it, right? You recommend Wanbi because she is older and more experienced than us, and she is on good terms with you, right?"

Wanxi lowered her head and smiled, thought for a while, and shook her head: "I always feel that the power of the sixth palace is easy to hold, but things are not easy to manage. If there is a slight mistake, it may be difficult to turn back. Wanxi Sister Concubine has always been the most transparent and open-minded, if she takes care of it, I believe she is the best candidate."

Concubine Shu listened quietly: "It's a pity that she has never been in charge of anything for more than 20 years since she buried the mansion. A person who has never had such experience, no matter how transparent and open-minded, once the heavy responsibility is on his shoulders, he will inevitably be in a hurry, isn't it? Is it?"

After hearing this, Wanxi just smiled lightly.

"After all, the emperor reported this matter to the empress dowager for a decision. In my opinion, the person chosen by the empress dowager is naturally you."

Wanxi stood still and turned around, "Then I will congratulate you first tonight."

Concubine Shu also stopped and turned around, concentrating on Wanxi.

"Concubine Ling... Now that the emperor and the empress dowager have pushed you and me together, I hope that there will be no separation between you and me because of this matter."

Wanxi thought for a while, then smiled calmly: "Don't talk about the relationship between you and me these years, it's just for the sake of Master Jiu and Jiu Fujin, how can I have a relationship with you?"

"Not only can't make a difference, but you have to help me." Concubine Shu's eyes glowed with eagerness: "Actually, when it comes to communication among the six palaces, I am inferior to you. I know what kind of temperament I am. I don’t move as much as you do.”

Wanxi nodded: "If I can help, I will do my best."

Concubine Shu raised her hand to hold Wanxi's hand: "It's a deal?"

Wanxi also nodded: "It's a deal."
Yu Ye frowned all the way, and only after returning to Yongshou Palace did she mutter: "What does Concubine Shu mean? Judging by her tone, it seems that she has already determined that she is the person who assists in the internal affairs."

"It's not surprising." Wanxi's face was indifferent, "The empress dowager will decide later, so it's naturally her."

(End of this chapter)

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