Leader Lan Palace

第1219章 3卷329 如果有1天(3更)

Chapter 1219 Three Volumes 329 If One Day (3 More)
Wanxi chewed Concubine Jia's words carefully again, stared at Concubine Jia's eyes, and finally nodded slowly: "Sister Jia's kindness, little sister, thank you."

Concubine Jia nodded: "In short, the days ahead are still long. Sister Ling, let's see people's hearts for a long time."

Concubine Jia also went to take a seat, Yu Ye hurried over and asked quietly: "Master, is everything okay? The servant sees Concubine Jia holding the hand of the master and talking for a while, and the slave's heart is not broken."

Wanxi lowered her eyes: "Don't worry, she didn't say anything to harm me. Maybe what she said made some sense. Although she lost Brother Nine, she is going back to the old man in her palace now. She It’s like adding wings to a tiger; for me, it was because of Brother Nine’s death that I got this opportunity to assist in internal affairs...so the departure of Brother Nine may be a good thing for her and me.”

Yu Ye gently squeezed Wanxi's hand, and she really felt that Wanxi's fingertips were slightly cold.

"Master...don't say such things, ah."

Wanxi shook her head slightly: "Actually, sometimes I can't help but think, if one day I have a child, but I have to put your life and my child's life on both ends of the scale, and I can only choose one end." , what would I do."

"It's just like when Yuhu was framed by Changchun Palace back then, and I couldn't save her with my own ability; or in the future, if something happens to you, Mao Tuan'er, Yuhan, or Yurui, I can't do anything about it." When I saved you... If my child's life can only be exchanged for so many of your lives by using my child's life as a weight, would I be willing to sacrifice my child's life?"

Yuye was terrified, and pulled Wanxi behind the curtain and hugged her: "Master, wake up! Master is being influenced by Concubine Jia, and this makes me crazy. Master, please stop, stop thinking about it, ah! "

"Such a thing will never happen in the future! Even if the slaves make mistakes, they will lose their heads, and even if they want to implicate their own family members, they will never implicate their masters, let alone implicate their little masters." !"

Hearing Yuye's words, Wanxi's eyelashes filled with tears, but she shook her head.

She grabbed Yuye's hand and stared into Yuye's eyes: "No, I think I might agree... If you have something to do in the future, sacrificing the life of my child can save so many lives for you and your family. Life is worth it."

Yuye was really about to cry, she knelt down and hugged Wanxi's leg and begged: "Master! Come back to your senses! The master has no children yet, and the servants are all well. Even the disaster that happened to Aunt Yuhu back then, can't be avoided. It's all in the past...it won't happen again."

"The slaves will never put the master in such a difficult situation, and besides, the master is still protected by the emperor. This is absolutely impossible!"

The curtain suddenly moved.

Even Wanxi was startled, and hurriedly brought herself back to her senses, restraining her expression.

It's not appropriate for other concubines to hear what you said just now.

But as soon as the figure moved, it was Mao Tuan'er who walked in.Mao Tuan'er knelt down in front of Wanxi, but his eyes were on Yu Ye first.

"Master... do you have any orders?"

Wanxi quickly sniffed and shook her head: "It's okay."

Yu Ye also subconsciously turned her head to look at Mao Tuan'er, but turned away very quickly.Mao Tuan'er couldn't help frowning slightly, lowered his head and said: "But just now, the slave seems to have heard the master and Yu Ye... crying."

(End of this chapter)

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