Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1240 Chapter 3 Volume 353

Chapter 1240 Three volumes 353 (8 more)
Lan Pei's words, every word was like nails, knocked on Fu Hengxin.

Yes, how could he bear to disappoint Jiu'er?
Even if Jiu'er hoped that he would have children with other women... even if she wished so, he couldn't bear to disappoint her.

If he disappoints her, she will know that he has actually lived these years—not happy.

Even if he is an extremely human minister, even if he has made great achievements, even if he has a glorious ancestor, even if he has such a virtuous Fujin as Lan Pei, even if he has two sons, Ling'er and Long'er - he is not as happy as the world thinks!

But if she was told that she was in the deep palace, how could she feel at ease?
So he needs to pretend to be happy, he needs to make her think that he and Lan Pei are getting more and more affectionate, and he wants to give birth to a child to reassure her.

He lightly clenched his hands in his sleeves, but still let them go. He bent down and pressed Lampe's shoulders, and helped Lampe up.
Lan Pei stood up slowly, startled and uncertain.

Of course, I hope that he will change his mind, but I am afraid that he will still see the flaw.

She hurriedly looked into his eyes, but he lowered his eyelids and closed his eyes with those long eyelashes.

He helped her stand still, and after a long time, he said slowly: "It's getting late, and I'm tired too. You go and tidy the bed, I'll feed the horses first, and I'll be back later."

He let go, turned around and went out the door.
Watching Master Jiu's back, Lan Pei's heart burst into flames like a prairie fire.

Sure enough, my sister was right... As long as Master Ling was mentioned, even if Master Jiu himself didn't want it, he would still be willing.

Although thinking about it this way, she felt that her self-esteem was hurt, and her heart was more bitter than joy - but she could swallow this grievance, couldn't she?

Who made her already Jiuye's concubine Fujin, who made her have tied her heart to Jiuye all these years.

What's more, no matter how hard Master Ling is in Master Jiu's heart, Master Ling is already the emperor's favorite concubine.No matter what, it is absolutely impossible for Master Ling to become her real rival in love.

The only person who can face Jiu Ye day and night, share the same bed, have children, and grow old together is only her.

Therefore, between gains and losses, she has already weighed clearly, where to take and what to give up.

Concern must be, the teardrops stopped by themselves.She hurriedly turned around and walked back to the inner hall, asking Lan Qiao and Bi Hai to bring in brand new bedding and rearrange the bed.

Finally, after thinking about it, she put on a few fresh sachets and put them on the four corners of the bed curtain.

The sachet hangs down with colorful nets, just like a colorful dream woven by her own hands.
Fu Heng walked into the night alone, without a lantern, and walked through the inner house alone to the stables, taking advantage of the darkness of the stars and moon.

His "jewel" is alone in the best stable.

He stepped forward and grabbed a handful of fodder and handed it to Zhuyu.

The grass is all new, freshly cut and freshly dried, and still retains the warmth of the sun and the original fragrance of the forage.

The groom and everyone in the house knew that although he loved horses, his feelings for this horse were the most special.Therefore, the groom took care of the horse even more attentively, and the treatment Zhuyu received was no less than that of the hostess and little elder brothers in the mansion.

Zhuyu's eyeballs are big and black, quietly staring at her master in the night.

In fact, at this time, he had already eaten this meal of forage, and he was not hungry at all.But it could feel the slight trembling of the master's hand caressing its neck.

It stretched its neck and rubbed against its owner, then opened its mouth to catch the fodder handed over by the owner, and ate it hard and sweetly.

 See you tomorrow.Thank you for the two red envelopes from 13508-60297, the red envelopes from 1370051-397, and the flowers from Yanyu.Thank you for your monthly tickets as follows:

  12 cards: crystal snowflakes;

  9 sheets: 135864-1596;

  6 cards: terryjun;

  3 sheets: 13508-60297;

  2 cards: Qian tracy;

  1 card: aboa, CCHANG
(End of this chapter)

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