Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1268 Chapter 3 Volume 381

Chapter 1268 Three volumes 381 (2 more)
This meeting is originally a time of deep affection, Wanxi doesn't want to mention the sad things of the past.Even when she mentioned it, her heart still felt like a needle prick.

She sniffed, trying to understate it.

"It's just that the servant has a dog. It's not a good dog, but the most common kind of dog in the countryside. She's a little girl..."

"When I was a child, I played well with a few girls in the village. When I was young, I often went from house to house. The little dog of the slave followed suit. Whenever the slave went out, it was not happy. It insisted on biting the leg of the slave's trousers and forbidding the slave. Going out. The slave knows that it is reluctant to part with me, so I have no choice but to take it with me."

"In this way, she became acquainted with each other, and she became friends with other girls' dogs. It's just that as I got older, I didn't expect it to mature so early, and in the end... it stole someone. Uh no, steal the dog."

After hearing this, the emperor couldn't help but let out a "bah".

Wanxi sighed softly: "I didn't know whose dog the couch stole, but I saw that its belly was getting bigger day by day. It gave birth to little puppies soon, and all the puppies didn't look like me. It’s a little native dog, and I can tell which male dog it is from just one look.”

Although it happened many years ago, when Wanxi mentions it now, her eye sockets are still hot.

"...That's a good dog too. It belongs to Wu Niu's family in our village. Her brother used to work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and took care of the hounds in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. He lost his job and brought this dog with him when he came home. The dog is back. He used to boast that it was the purest hound in the royal family."

The emperor raised his eyebrows slightly: "So, he lost his job because of that dog. The dog in the House of Internal Affairs is also something he can take back casually?"

Wanxi nodded, and sighed softly: "But my little bitch is a local dog, but she has climbed up to others. I was happy to pick the best-looking puppy to send to his family, but... Others don't want it."

Wanxi didn't want to talk anymore.

The emperor gently held her hand: "...those dogs, bitches and puppies, all died later, didn't they?"

Wanxi nodded vigorously, trying to hide her sadness.

That Wu Niu protected her elder brother and sister-in-law, and even Wu Niu didn't feel sorry for her own sister, how could she feel sorry for the puppy who secretly climbed up to their hunting dog... She was so anxious to fight with them, but Er Niang tried her best to stop her up.

The emperor took Wanxi back into his arms: "Okay, it's all my fault, I shouldn't ask. It's been so many years, and besides, you have Doujiaer now. How could that person steal Doujiaer's blood back home?" Can dogs be compared? Everything is in the past, what used to be unattainable for them is now the most common thing for you."
Wanxi was still a little sad, but suddenly heard rustling under the couch.

Wanxi was so startled that she hurriedly held back her tears, worried that there might be an assassin.

Wanxi pushed the emperor into the couch, and she stopped outside first, stretching her head to look down——

Wanxi, who was still in tears at first, was caught off guard when she saw this, and laughed out loud.

It turned out that the ground under the couch was originally flat and covered with carpets, but suddenly a small hill rose on the ground, arching up the carpet!
Seeing that the arch was getting bigger and bigger, the emperor was also taken aback, but Wanxi couldn't stop laughing, and shouted outside the tent: "Doujiaoer!"

It was in the imperial camp at this time, and it was inconvenient for the emperor to spend the night in Wanxi's tent, so Wanxi went to the dragon tent to attend the bed.Yuye, Mao Tuan'er and the others were embarrassed to wait outside the tent, but Doujiao, who was playing crazy today, refused to leave desperately, so he just watched the door outside the tent.

(End of this chapter)

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