Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1282 Chapter 3 Volume 395

Chapter 1282 Three volumes 395 (6 more)
Yuqin nodded fiercely, tried her best to control her emotions, and said slowly, "Wanxi, listen to me, Jiufujin's child...is gone."

Like a thunderbolt from the blue sky, it fell from Langlang Jiutian and exploded in Wanxi's ears.

Wanxi's ears were ringing, and she couldn't hear anything for a long time.Then I always felt that I heard the sentence just now, and I also misheard it.

She was stunned like this for a while, until the roar in her ears dissipated, and then she raised her eyes to look at Yuqin: "Sister Lu, what are you talking about? Jiufujin's child... why is it gone?"

Why did Jiufujin and Jiuye's child, who was just over a month old, suddenly disappear?
Jiufujin just came to the palace to help her, why is Jiufujin's child in her Yongshou Palace, gone, huh? !

Yuqin clenched Wanxi's hand tightly: "...Yuhan said, when you and Concubine Shu went out to send off the imperial concubine, Jiufujin was already ill. By the time the imperial doctor came, it was already too late..."

Wanxi listened blankly, shedding tears: "It's all my fault. I shouldn't have invited Jiufu Jin into the palace, I shouldn't have kept those cats and dogs in this palace, I shouldn't... ...so selfish, knowing that Jiufu Jin is happy, but still only thinking about asking her to come into the palace to help me with errands..."

"It's all my fault. I'm sorry for Jiufujin, I'm sorry for Lord Jiu, I'm sorry for Concubine Shu...and I'm even more sorry for that one-month-old child!"
From outside the door, came the eunuch's voice.

"The servant heard Master Ling's movements from the warm pavilion, so he guessed that Master Ling has understood now, so he can answer in front of the Empress Dowager's master."

Wanxi could tell that it was Shoushan, the chief eunuch in front of the empress dowager.

Wanxi's heart aches like a twist at this moment, she really wishes she could simply pass out, and even more hope that all this is just a dream.

But to "thank" Shoushan for such an arrogant voice, Wanxi had to face the reality soberly.

He had to go to the empress dowager to answer, and before facing Jiuye, he had to face the empress dowager first.

Yuqin couldn't help but sneered outside the door and said, "Boss Shou, I know you are the most powerful person in front of the Empress Dowager. But no matter how powerful you are, it doesn't have to be like this. Concubine Ling just woke up. Let her take a breath first, why rush her in such a hurry!"

Shoushan spoke calmly outside the door: "Through this door, the slave does not know which master's teachings. The slave has the right to venture a guess. At that time, Lu Gui was Lu's master, right? It is also a slave who has little luck. Master Lu has been in the palace for many years. However, this servant has not had the chance to meet Master Lu a few times, and he is very familiar with Master Lu's voice, so if he admits a mistake, please forgive him."

Shoushan's words made Yuqin feel pain on the face.

The concubines of the sixth palace often come to the empress dowager to pay their respects, but this is also a position.Nobles and above are eligible to greet the Shoukang Palace, but even nobles can only pay their respects in the apse, and only those who have concubines can appear in front of the Empress Dowager.

It was only this year that Yuqin was officially canonized as a nobleman. In the past years in the palace, she was not even qualified to appear in front of the empress dowager.Therefore, what the eunuch in charge of the empress dowager said, although it was objectively true, really made people feel uncomfortable.

Wanpin stretched out her hand to hold down Yuqin's hand, got up in person, opened the door, and nodded politely at Shoushan: "Lu Guiren is young, and he has only been in the palace for a few years. The status is not very high, I have been in the palace for 20 years to be a concubine, but at least I have been in the palace for a long time, so the chief longevity officer should still be able to honor me and remember it?"

(End of this chapter)

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