Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1284 Chapter 3 Volume 397

Chapter 1284 Three volumes 397 (8 more)
Yu Rui squatted down firmly, and then hurried away.

Only then did Wanxi get up, went to the dowry and sat down.

Her own face in the mirror was as white as snow, without a trace of blood.But on the contrary, those eyes seemed dark and bright.

She picked up the grate herself, dipped in some sweet-scented osmanthus oil, and combed the frizzy hair on her temples again.

Both Yuhan and Yuye wanted to come up to help, but were stopped by Wanxi.

Wanxi looked at the two of them in the mirror, and calmly ordered: "Yuhan, I have to go to the empress dowager to answer when I go out now, I can't go to see Jiufujin first. You go and guard Jiufujin for me, no matter what anyone says , you all remember: this is our palace, so you have to stay close to each other. The affairs of our palace cannot be decided by others, you have to subdue anyone, so that they can only listen to you."

A trace of worry flashed across Yuhan's eyes.

Wanxi nodded: "I know you have always been quiet and don't like to argue with others. But now I beg you, for me, for our Yongshou Palace."

The hesitation in Yuhan's eyes quickly disappeared, and he squatted deeply: "Master, don't worry, the servant will nail Jiufujin's side, and he will never leave!"

Yuhan also went, Yuye came over and looked at Wanxi in the mirror: "Master, what about me?"

Wanxi didn't make a sound yet.

Yu Ye became anxious: "Slave can go and find out what happened to the cat and dog just now! Mao Tuan'er and the others are dead, they can't even see a cat and a dog!"

According to the rules in the palace, if there is a lord in the hall, even the eunuchs are not allowed to enter the hall casually, they can only serve outside the threshold.Even if you have something to go back, you have to go through the woman, and you can't come in just by saying it.

Wanxi glanced out of the window: "Don't blame him, he can't enter the palace because he has no purpose. And the empress dowager is in charge at this moment, he is blocked by the threshold."

Yu Ye bit her lip: "Then I'll ask him!"

Wanxi calmed down, lowered her head and smiled faintly: "Why, are you willing to take the initiative to talk to him?"

Yu Ye blushed with embarrassment: "Master, look at you! How long has it come, this slave is willing to risk his life, is there any difference between these two sentences?"

Wan Xi nodded with a smile, grabbed Yu Ye's hand, and patted it lightly: "Don't be nervous, the matter has come to this point, it's useless to worry or regret it. Let's find a way to deal with it."

Yuye took a deep breath and nodded: "The slave is going to ask Mao Tuan'er."

But Wanxi grabbed Yuye: "That's not in a hurry, you go and do other things."

Wanxi took out the palace badge from the small drawer and handed it to Yuye: "You go out of the palace to see the jade pot."

"What?" Yu Ye jumped up in a daze: "Master, you have arranged important errands for Yu Rui and Yu Han, but you asked me to go out of the palace right now?"

At this moment, the sun is already setting in the west, and every time she goes back and forth, the day is over.How could she leave her master's affairs behind at this moment?
Wanxi nodded: "I know you are worried about me, and I also know that my situation is not easy. But no matter how difficult my situation is, it is not as dangerous as Fu Erye's situation in Xueyu; no matter how much I worry about myself at this time, it can't compare Let Yuhu worry about Fu Erye."

"My own affairs, I know very well, but I can't imagine the situation of Fu Erye in Xueyu; Yuhu is worried about Fu Erye, and I can't control it. Therefore, this meeting, Yuhu More important than me."

"Master!" Yu Ye stomped her feet and burst into tears.

In Yuye's heart, although the jade pot is important, it is still inferior to the master!

 and also.

(End of this chapter)

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