Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1294 Chapter 3 Volume 407

Chapter 1294 Three volumes 407 (7 more)
Yikun Palace.

When Cheng Jue came back from Yongshou Palace, the night was already dark.

Concubine Shu left Cheng Jue and Ruhuan, the two most caring women, in Yongshou Palace to take care of Jiufu Jin, and she didn't call other second-class women to come in to serve her. She sat in front of the dowry by herself, looking in the mirror at herself red and swollen. Peach eyes.

Cheng Jue walked in, glanced at the two second-class women standing outside the threshold, and scolded: "Zhu Lan, Liang Yue, what's the matter with you two? Didn't you see the master sitting alone in front of the dowry? If you don't go in to serve, why don't you go in? Stick it at the door?"

Zhu Lan and Liang Yue felt wronged, and muttered: "It's the master who didn't call us."

Cheng Jue didn't bother with them, and hurried inside to Concubine Shu's side, looked into Concubine Shu's eyes, and said distressedly: "Those two silly girls outside don't know how to apply ice for the master? They're swollen to this size now." Like, how are you going to meet people tomorrow morning?"

Concubine Shu smiled mysteriously, and turned her head to look outside quietly.

Cheng Jue understood, and hurriedly closed the hall door to isolate him, and then turned back.

Concubine Shu nodded and smiled: "There is no need to apply ice, you have to keep it. The longer you keep the redness and swelling around your eyes, the better it will be for me."
Cheng Jue's heart skipped a beat, and he understood immediately.

Cheng Jue covered his mouth and smiled: "That's right, the fourth girl is still taking care of her body at this moment, so the master should naturally be accompanied by the heartache."

"Besides, only the more jealous the master is, the more he can make the empress dowager and the emperor feel distressed."

Concubine Shu then looked at the mirror and smiled faintly.

Cheng Jue stepped forward and said with a smile: "The slave stayed in Yongshou Palace before, and was not able to accompany the master. I don't know how the master came here?"

Concubine Shu then roughly talked about her visit to Shoukang Palace.

Cheng Jue's thoughts turned, and he couldn't help but stare at Concubine Shu through the mirror: "Then this slave is going to congratulate the master. The slave congratulates the master—a complete victory."

Concubine Shu lightly hooked the corners of her lips: "It's too early to say we've won a complete victory. It's just the beginning."

Cheng Jue also smiled apologetically: "It's the master who is being modest, and that's why he said that. But according to the slave, the situation at this moment has already been favored by the master, and the chances of victory are more than half!"

"Not to mention anything else, the master has already successfully saved the Empress Dowager's heart after this incident, and made the Empress Dowager feel pity for the master again."

Concubine Shu stared at herself in the mirror, and slowly put away her smile: "I have been in the palace for many years, and I have grown up day by day. If I am not that little girl, the empress dowager's pity for me will fade day by day. After my grandmother passed away , the empress dowager's heart has been swinging between me and the imperial concubine. I can only pull her heart away from the imperial concubine by telling her old man to regain pity for me."

"Although Concubine Ling is favored, but with her background and blood, she will never be a queen. Therefore, at this moment, my biggest enemy is not Concubine Ling, after all, Concubine Huang Guifei. Between me and Concubine Huang Guifei, As long as the empress dowager's heart leans toward whomever, then the position of empress will be hers!"

"It's the end of the year now, and next year will be the period for the imperial concubine to be conferred. If I don't come here to win back the empress dowager's heart, will I just watch the imperial concubine succeed to the palace next year?"

Cheng Jue quietly took a breath: "So the master didn't go after the concubine Ling at all this time, the real target of the master is the imperial concubine."

Concubine Shu lowered her head with a smile: "Concubine Ling has helped me a lot. If the seat in the middle palace next year is mine, I have to thank her."

"Only by using her as a raft, will the emperor truly feel distressed and angry, and will really cut off the imperial concubine's career as a queen~"

 See you tomorrow.Normal update~
(End of this chapter)

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