Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1296 Chapter 3

Chapter 1296 Three Volumes 409 Almost Falling in Love (2 More)
"Master, why bother to say that?"

Although after what happened tonight, Tana felt a little inappropriate.But she still persuaded: "The emperor's decree to confer on the master clearly stated that the master will definitely be in the middle palace after 27 months. Now it is only a few months, and we have survived the twenty months." , the emperor's decree cannot be contradicted."

Nala's eyelids drooped, and he sneered lowly: "But haven't you seen the plaque in Concubine Shu's Yikun Palace?!"

Tana and Dege looked at each other, and Dege asked: "Plaque? The master said that in November of the sixth year of Qianlong, the emperor asked to give things according to the plaque of "Ling Yi Shude" in Yongshou Palace. Is there also a plaque inscribed by the imperial pen in the Six Palaces?"

Tana nodded: "Speaking of these plaques, there is nothing special about the plaques in Yikun Palace. It's just the four characters of 'Yi Gong Wan Shun', which reminds the people in the palace to be courteous and polite. It's not necessarily the emperor. Do you have any special love for the people in Yikun Palace?"

And the plaque in the Chengqian Palace of the Nala family is nothing more than the words "Decheng Supple", which is comparable to the word "Shun" in the Yikun Palace.

Tana still remembered that when the plaque was first hung on the main hall, her master was very reluctant to come for a while.Because these four words do not match her temperament at all, let alone the traits she admires; of course, the most important thing is that these four words cannot reflect her status in the sixth house at all!

Even the Yonghe Palace, which is the farthest from the Hall of Mental Cultivation among the six palaces, was removed by the emperor from the Kunning Palace's plaque "Weizheng Kunyuan" and hung in the Yonghe Palace!Even that plaque is a hundred times better than the one in her palace!

At that moment, Nala was dissatisfied, so he took advantage of the situation to ridicule, saying that since the emperor hung the old plaque of Kunning Palace into the Yonghe Palace, it was the emperor who wanted to move Empress Xiaoxian into the Yonghe Palace. ... That is the most remote palace in the harem. The emperor wanted the empress to move in. From that moment, it can be seen that the emperor may have lost his affection for Empress Xiaoxian.

That meeting was the sixth year of Qianlong, the year when the fifth elder brother Yongqi "accidentally" came to the world.These old people in the palace, they are not without comprehension in their hearts.Therefore, if the emperor had already severed his relationship with Empress Xiaoxian at that time, it would be entirely possible to move Empress Xiaoxian far away to Yonghe Palace.After all, among the six palaces, only the empress could use such a plaque removed from the Kunning Palace.

At that time, Empress Xiaoxian was also very nervous for a while, but no one could match the thoughtfulness of Empress Xiaoxian, so soon there was news from Liugong that the emperor had removed the plaque of Kunning Palace and hung it in Yongshou Palace is to commemorate Empress Xiao Gongren (De Concubine) who died in Yonghe Palace.It’s just that Empress Xiao Gongren died in the first year of Yongzheng. It was the sixth year of Qianlong’s reign, and a plaque was used to commemorate it after 20 years; There are loopholes.

However, after all, Empress Xiaoxian still did not move into the Yonghe Palace, just like the fifth elder brother Yongqi who "accidentally" came to the world, but was favored by the emperor, this matter just disappeared, and it was over. It's over.

At that moment, Nala thought that Empress Xiaoxian might be worse than her, so she was happy, and she never mentioned it in the past few years.Tana didn't expect that the master would suddenly talk about the plaque again.

(End of this chapter)

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