Chapter 133
Besides, Mao Tuan'er also ran all the way to the Changchun Palace, but first asked to see the queen.

As a person in front of the imperial court, everyone in Changchun Palace is extremely polite.The queen met Mao Tuan'er in person and rewarded her with a purse.

Mao Tuan'er hurriedly knelt down and offered something: "The emperor bestowed the 'Nine-Nine-Nine-Nine-Nine-Nine-Nine-Cold Dispelling Picture' on the empresses of the inner court, and the servants will come to the master empress first."

The queen was very happy, and hurriedly asked Suchun to pick it up.Unfolding it, it is a poem composed of nine characters written by the emperor's royal pen: "The cypress wind in the front courtyard in spring sends fragrance to the room", each character is nine paintings.The queen bowed towards the Zhai Palace from the air: "I thank the emperor for your favor", and then hung it in the bedroom with her own hands.

Mao Tuan'er resigned from the Queen's Palace, and then turned around to Wanxi's back room.

Because Mao Tuan'er was still young and he was from the imperial court, no one in Changchun Palace stopped him.If it was another eunuch in the palace, if he dared to run directly to the backyard, his legs would be broken.

But Mao Tuan'er didn't dare to enter the door, and only greeted Wanxi through the window, and Wanxi opened the window to look out, her heart fluttering inexplicably.Mao Tuan'er had sharp eyes, glanced left and right, and seeing no one else in the house, she greeted with a smile: "Young lady is so handy, the pastries that even the emperor loves to eat. I happened to be here today to deliver something to the mistress, so I was greedy. I want to ask the girl for two pieces of pastry."

Wanxi also intentionally put on a sullen face with him: "It's nothing good, there are only a few miscellaneous things left, if you don't dislike it, just pick it up and chew it casually."

Wanxi said, bringing the pastry box.Inside, there was the leftover half of Sachima, a roll of donkey rolling, and a piece of Changbai cake.

Mao Tuan'er was not polite either, and grabbed them all as soon as he stretched out his hand.Wanxi couldn't help laughing, and patted his paw, then went back to the kangqin drawer and took out two dried perilla leaves, and put the pastry on the bag before stuffing it to him: "It's not made fresh, It's a little hard. If you don't like it, you can feed the dogs or the birds. You can tell me in advance next time, and I will do it for you."

Although this Haha Zhuzi has been rude to her since the first meeting in Huatian, but she passed things on these two times, thanks to this kid, she is grateful in her heart.

Mao Tuan'er accepted it with a smile, turned around to see that no one was paying attention, and stuffed an object into Wanxi's palm.

Wanxi's heart was pounding, and she quickly clenched her hands.Just holding it like this, it feels like it's just a piece of paper, as if it doesn't matter.

After Mao Tuan'er finished his job, he happily took a bite of Sachima: "Hey, Miss, this pastry making skill is getting better and better. Now, not only does it taste good, but it also looks good!"

Wanxi's face turned red again.

Those pastries she gave to the emperor back then were indeed impossible to see.

She snorted, and closed the window simply: "Go slowly, I won't see you off."
Mao Tuan'er left, and Wanxi heard women's chatter and laughter from outside: "Long live God gave the master a 'Nine Nine Cold Dispelling Picture', why don't we also draw a picture and hang it up in the same way, one pen a day, 'Write Nine' let's play to relieve the cold!"

Wanxi lowered her head and quietly unfolded the paper in her palm—it turned out to be a "Nine Nine Cold Dispelling Picture".

It's just that there are no words on it, but a picture of plum blossoms.There are nine flowers on one branch, and nine petals on each flower.This is to start from the number nine of the winter solstice, and draw a red petal every day, which is nine nine 81 days.When the plum blossoms are red all over, the number nine will be exhausted.

There are only four characters on the whole picture, instead of the emperor's regular script on the plaques in the palace, it is replaced with a thin gold body like a silver hook and iron painting.

Those four words are - Jiujinchunshen.

 Do you feel that "Secret Garden" and so on are all leftovers from the ancients?Kaka~~see you tomorrow~
(End of this chapter)

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