Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1415, Volume 4, 90 Serious Sentence

Chapter 1415 Four Volumes 90 Serious Sentence (7 More)
Wanxi laughed too, covered her mouth and shook her head, "I'm wrong, it's not "Records". "Records" will be edited by the emperor's son in the future... The servant said again, it is called to be written into "Liuju Zhu" !"

In the future, which prince of the emperor will inherit the throne, she dare not say for sure.How could that child be willing to listen to her and record what she asked?Even if I wrote it today, maybe in the future the successor prince will delete it~
The emperor laughed and scolded, "The "Liuju Zhu" doesn't work either! The officials who edit the "Liuju Zhu" are all Hanlin, so they are all top scholars, first-class and second-class Jinshi!"

Wanxi made a grimace, "The first-class and second-class Jinshi are all hand-picked by the emperor after all. So I asked the emperor's own Wenkui to record such a sum for the emperor. It is the emperor and his ministers who will not believe it!"

The emperor gritted his teeth in frustration, simply grabbed her waist, stood up abruptly, turned around and headed towards the bed in Dongnuange.

"Well, you little hoof, I really haven't dealt with you for a long time, and made you so arrogant and rebellious!"
Throwing into Dongnuan Pavilion, the emperor showed no mercy, and immediately imposed severe punishments.

The whip was heavy and harsh, hitting Wanxi's body hard one after another, without a break, and the sound of the whip was loud and loud.

Wanxi's body finally became a little fatter, and in the end it was easier to leave bright red marks on those ruthless marks.

Therefore, although the emperor did not flog these outside places, these places also echoed the inside, leaving behind a strip of red marks...

Some are pressed with fingers.

Some... came out from the lips.

They are not the cruelest instruments of torture, but they clearly imprint the ferocity and execution speed of the "executor".
During the five months, it condensed into a violent storm, and Wanxi felt that she was about to become a drowned fish, being submerged by the tide over and over again.

Finally, panting heavily, he pushed the emperor away, and poked his head out of the tent to get some fresh air.

But the emperor still couldn't stop, he put her head outside the curtain, but pressed her body again, like two worlds, he insisted on attacking her again.

It was as if reason and desire had been cut apart, no matter how bitter the mind was, the body still showed the joy of reunion after all.

Wanxi simply cried out at the extreme point.

"It doesn't matter! Anyway, even if the master gives them children before the slaves are born, he is not allowed to use so much energy like this moment!"

Inside the tent, the emperor felt helpless and couldn't help laughing.

He simply put in more effort, hugged her tightly, and even tied the two of them together with the yellow belt she held in her hand, so that even Wanxi couldn't escape...
At dawn, the emperor finally couldn't move anymore, and lay down humming.

"I regret it... I knew how much I would have to eat at that time. Otherwise, I wouldn't have lost my energy so quickly."

Wanxi covered her face with the quilt and secretly smiled, "The servant has already said it, and asked the master to eat, whoever told the master not to use it, and just patronized to whisper to the servant?"

"Even if you don't need it, at least it's good to have a bite of fish, but I was called out..."

The emperor snorted in annoyance, "Say it again! Seeing you come here with such a sullen face, why do you want to eat? Not to mention that moment, it's just how many nights you have spent in the past two months. You can’t even eat the pastry, but you can only chew it with peace of mind when you go to your palace and eat the pastry on your kang table!”

Wanxi stepped on the dress and said stupidly, "What? So the master secretly went to the servant's palace? The pastry on the kang table was also eaten by the master? The slave thought that it was eaten by the beans... "

(End of this chapter)

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