Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 142 Rong Hua

Chapter 142 Rong Hua
"The velvet flower is a homonym for 'ronghua', so even the empress is happy to wear it in her hair." Yuqin's clear eyes flowed: "The origin of this velvet flower is said to be weaved in the south of the Yangtze River. Every year, the brocade is made to tailor the emperor's dragon robe, Ladies’ palace dresses always have leftovers, and it’s a pity to throw them away. Then there are skillful craftsmen who re-scatter the silk from the brocade, and use a bristle brush to make it look like a flower.”

After Yuqin finished speaking, she saw Wanxi's beautiful eyes staring at her and smiling.

Yuqin stroked her cheek: "What are you laughing at?"

Wanxi blinked: "The three weaving factories in the south of the Yangtze River are under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and the three weaving masters are all dressed by the emperor, so it is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to know about the affairs in the weaving mansion... Kuang sister is Han, and she is not a member of the Ministry of Internal Affairs." Next, how do you know?"

Yuqin blushed, "What do you want to say?"

Wanxi lowered her head and smiled: "My sister comes from the Lu family in the south of the Yangtze River. The Lu family is a family of great Confucianism, but she is not qualified to send her into the palace directly. I guess my sister's choice of entering the palace is not to take the route of the state capital, but to be taken by the state capital. The emperor’s servant’s Suzhou weaving was brought in, right?”

Yuqin sighed softly, "I can't hide anything from you little girl."

Wanxi picked up a velvet flower in her hand and looked at it: "The emperor's heart is actually not difficult to guess. When the Eight Banners entered the customs, they also committed many killings in the south of the Yangtze River, which caused the Jiangnan scholars and Confucian families to refuse to return for many years. The foundation of the Qing Dynasty has been stabilized, and the south of the Yangtze River is no longer a place of war, but has become the source of the money and food of the Qing Dynasty. From the ancestors to the emperor, they are trying to harmonize the relationship with the officials in the south of the Yangtze River."

"Just like the marriage between Manchuria and Mongolia for many years, the emperor pinned his hopes on the fact that the daughter of the noble family in the south of the Yangtze River entered the palace, so as to express his sincerity to the official family in the south of the Yangtze River. The same is true of Huang's concubine who passed away early in the first year of Qianlong's reign."

Wanxi patted Yuqin's hand lightly: "My sister said that the concubine Chun's current status is all because of the prince. From my younger sister's point of view, yes, but not all. Mothers are more expensive than children, but in What is more important to the emperor is that the pure concubine is from a family of officials in the south of the Yangtze River."

"Pure Concubine Empress's mother's family is also secretive. My younger sister has no chance to know the details of her mother's family, but just based on her father's name—Su Zhaonan, it can be seen that her family is a scholarly family."

Yuqin turned her head slightly, and then nodded: "Yes, the word 'Zhaonan' should come from "The Book of Songs·Zhaonan". Anyone who can easily use allusions as a name must be a family of poets and rites."

"In front of my sister, there are two best role models: one is the noble concubine, and the other is the pure concubine. Although the noble concubine has no children, she has the support of her mother's family; the pure concubine has the prince to rely on. But at the root, the noble concubine Concubine He Chun has weight in the emperor's heart, all because they have the Han daughter's piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, gentle and tactful, and because they can let the Han people in the south of the Yangtze River see the emperor's aspirations of both Manchu and Han."

Wanxi glanced at Yuqin quietly, and said slowly: "So... my sister also needs to know what is the most precious thing in the emperor's heart. Even if my sister wants to fight, she must know what she should use to fight; she must never be like this. Other people in the palace are average, they only know how to count others, suppress opponents, and use newcomers. Those methods can't be hidden from the emperor after all."

Wanxi suppressed a sigh in her heart, broke away Yuqin's hand, and wrote in her palm: "My sister really wants to fight, and there are only four words that my younger sister can give my sister: Think what he thinks."

Yuqin Jianshui's pupils lit up suddenly: "I understand."

Wanxi smiled and smiled: "My sister was born in a great Confucian family, and her poetry, calligraphy, painting and etiquette are beyond the reach of others. In fact, how can I use my little sister to remind me, my sister is just a moment of impatience."

 The second update later~
(End of this chapter)

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