Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1431 Chapter 4 106 Fortunate To Have You

Chapter 1431: Fortunately, You Are Here (106 More)
According to the normal rules, since he took two women out, he should naturally bring two first-class women.

It's just that at this moment, Wu Niu occupies a place for a first-class woman.

But if you don't take Wu Niu out, but leave her in the palace... After walking for a few months, God knows what she can do in the palace.

Yurui quietly watched Wanxi sitting on the edge of the kang, silent for a long time, then came over and said softly, "...Master, forgive me for saying one more thing: Master, please take Yuye and Aunt Yuhan out. The slave stays with you. That's the fifth girl."

Wanxi's heart felt hot, and she couldn't help but reached out and grabbed Yurui.

"If you ask me to choose, I naturally hope to take you and Yuye together. Everyone knows that Jiangnan is good, who doesn't want to see Jiangnan, not to mention that at your current age, it is time to open your eyes. Son."

Yu Rui shook her head with a smile, "The master also said that the slave is still young. If he can't go this time, maybe there will be another chance next time."

"The slave is serving the master by his side. Naturally, the most important thing in everything is to share the master's worries. At this moment, the master and the master are worried about each other. Since the slave can be used, it is naturally duty-bound. The master can go at ease, and we will live forever." Palace, the servant must try to show it firmly, and not say anything."

"Good Yurui." Wanxi could only hug Yurui, "After Yuhu left, I was always glad to have you by my side. I really dare not think that without you, this palace would be full of troubles again." What does it look like?"

Yurui also had tears in her eyes, "Master, please don't say that. Ama, a slave, and a slave, understand in her heart how she got her position in the palace at this time. Besides, when this happened to me, Ama, If it wasn't for the master, maybe his life would be gone."

Wanxi also nodded and smiled, "I've heard that the emperor has ordered your ama to study politics in Shandong. Where is Shandong? It's the place where Confucius was born. The emperor can ask you ama to be a student in Shandong. , which shows how much the emperor values ​​your talent and learning, Ama."

"You, Ama, can become the emperor's lecturer at the banquet before you are 25 years old. You will not be the minister in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs at this moment. Go to Shandong to do a good job in education and politics, and choose some talents for the court. By the way, keep a low profile and do it with peace of mind. It's better to be a scholar than to compete with those old ministers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

"After he has completed his errands in Shandong, he has enough age and experience, and he will be more calm when he comes back to do these tricky things."
It was late at night, Wanxi thought and thought, raised the pen and put it down again.

In the end, he didn't write anything, and only took two boxes of books from his bookshelf.

They are all the miscellaneous books she has received, including story books, play books, and notes.

She put it on and handed it to Mao Tuan'er, "Tomorrow, you take the badge and leave the palace, and send it to Jiufujin yourself."

Mao Tuan'er glanced twice, feeling a bit embarrassed, "Master, this is... If Jiu Fujin asks the slave at that time, the slave may not know how to answer."

Wanxi shook her head, "Follow her. If she asks you, even if she doesn't understand my intentions, then my gift will be for nothing; if she understands my intentions, naturally she won't ask you."

Mao Tuan'er picked it up too, and Daqian'er picked it up and put it away.
It was already very late, on the first day of the Chinese New Year, the emperor was celebrating at the Hall of Supreme Harmony during the day, and was going to give a banquet to the officials at night. Wanxi knew that the emperor was tired, so she didn't expect the emperor to come.

What's more, this is the first year of junior high school.Even if the emperor wants to show off, he should also spend time with the queen.

(End of this chapter)

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