Leader Lan Palace

第1437章 4卷112 1个换2个(2更)

Chapter 1437: One For Two (112 More)
What's more, in this palace, who doesn't know that Yuqin belongs to Lingfei's family, and the friendship with Lingfei began when they entered the palace together!

This time into the harem, it is unreasonable for the concubine to be concubine because she has no children; therefore, the emperor can no longer be promoted to the position of concubine Ling this time - is it because of this that the emperor promoted Lu Yuqin!

"The title is Qing?"

Nala smiled contemptuously, "That's right, so why did the Lu family enter the feudal title this year? Isn't it because it happened to coincide with the empress dowager's 60th birthday! The emperor bestowed the title of 'Qing', which is quite clear. .I wonder if she dares to think that it is because she is favored~"
Li Yu went, but Nala was still sitting in his hall, unable to stop his thoughts.

Tana watched, then stepped forward and asked softly, "Master...shall we go to pay respects to the Empress Dowager?"

Nala raised her eyes and glanced at Tana.

Whenever she saw Tana at this time, she couldn't help but think of the "Dongzhu" that the emperor called out.

"There are so many things happening so suddenly today, how can I have the heart to pay respects to the Empress Dowager? After a while, all those who are enfeoffed will have to come over to salute, and I have to think about what I want to say!"

Tana bit her lip and had to step back temporarily.

Dege came in from the outside, "Go back to master, Lin Guiren has been waiting outside the hall for a long time. She just entered the seal today, and she is going to come in to formally salute the master."

Nala closed her eyes, "Tell her to go back to Ke first. After a while, the new concubines Qing and Ying will come to salute, just ask her to salute with them! No one thinks that he is the palace The people in this palace seem to be getting closer!"

To her annoyance, she put a girl next to Concubine Ling; in the end, she had Tana and Lin Guiren, two more diabolical people by her side!

Although Tana is a daughter of her own family, she has been loyal all these years and no one can replace her; but now she can't help feeling annoyed whenever she thinks of "Dongzhu"! .
Tana knew that her master didn't like her these days, so she also wanted to behave well and win back the master's heart as soon as possible.

She stepped forward to persuade, "Master...at least Lin Guiren is from the womb of the master, and it is not a bad thing for the master to return her to be a nobleman...Why does the master not even give her the face of saluting alone?"

Nala sneered, "But didn't you see what kind of pastry she put in for the emperor in the Hall of Mental Cultivation? I only saw Concubine Ling make it for the emperor! Don't you think she secretly Have you been in contact with Concubine Ling?"

Tana hurriedly knelt down, "The slave is worried because he saw it, so he wants to persuade the master to see Guiren Lin alone. The master can't just watch the people in our palace have a private relationship with the concubine Ling, right? Master Only by being kinder to Lin Guiren can we change her mind, right?"

"Changing your mind?" Nala's sneer sneered, "I don't care too much! Now that you have changed your mind, don't even think about turning back!"

When Nala said this, he stared into Tana's eyes.

Tana understood, and the petals of her heart withered for a moment, unable to pick them up.
When all the concubines came to pay their respects, Nala's face had returned to calm.

She lightly curled the corners of her lips, watching everyone congratulate Yuqin, Concubine Ying, and Lin Guiren.

No matter how festive it is, the tallest one is just a concubine, and the distance from her is still far away.She calmed down now, and became detached.She just sat quietly, waiting for Concubine Shu's letter.

Concubine Shu is coming today, or not?
 Nala’s bedroom in the Hall of Mental Cultivation is the east ear room of the apse, and the emperor’s bedroom is the East and West Nuan Ge in the apse. They are not the same place~~ Nuan Ge is the second room and the top room; the ear room is a small room built out of the Nuan Pavilion. Generally, the eaves are shorter to show that the status is lower.

(End of this chapter)

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