Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1441 Chapter 4 116 Stealing People

Chapter 1441: Robbing People (116 More)
After leaving Chengqian Palace, Wanxi opened Yuqin's fist and turned around to see that two bright red marks had been dug out by fingernails on Yuqin's palm.

Wanxi rubbed it distressedly, "Sister, why bother to be provoked by her?"

Yuqin said with tears in her eyes, "She is my evil star. I knew it from the day I first saw her when I entered the palace. Anyway, today is still a good day for me to enter the palace. I have survived for ten years to become a concubine. After being poured down by her pot of cold water, there is no joy. She is powerful, she is high above, and I can only swallow my anger and suffer her loss!"

"Sister, don't think like this!" Wanxi was also heartbroken, "If my sister really feels uncomfortable, wouldn't that make her happy? Sister, listen to me, she can bear it for 20 years before becoming a queen. We have only been in the palace for ten years. After another ten years, we don’t know what will happen!"

Yuqin shook her head sadly, even though she was holding back tears, they still slid down from the corners of her eyes.

"So what if I survive another ten years? She is still the queen. A queen for a day is a queen for life. Unless there is an extremely serious loss of morality, she will be a queen until she dies. As for us, we will always be her." In my eyes, the concubine of a Han girl is a concubine, a slave who can't stand on the stage and has no right to argue with her... Even if I endure it for ten years, there is no hope of getting ahead!"

Wanxi lowered her head quietly: "...and the emperor."

Yuqin paused for a moment, then shook her head and smiled wryly, "What about the emperor? Silly Wanxi, I'm different from you. You have the emperor's protection, you dare to stand against her; as for me, how dare I."

Wanxi grabbed Yuqin's hand, "Sister, calm down, listen to me: My sister used to care about status, thinking that she might never have the day of becoming a concubine in her whole life. As a result, it's only ten years, and we are not yet 30 years old. , even though my sister has no children, she has already become a concubine. This has already equaled the Yi concubine Bai Shuiwei. Han women who have no children can be concubine, which is considered the highest."

Yuqin shook her head sadly, "Is it the tallest? See what Yipin is like now, and what about me..."

Wanxi took a deep breath, looked up at Yuqin, "If my sister doesn't believe in the emperor, then there is me. My sister will believe me."

"As long as there is still me in this palace, I will never let my sister be bullied by her."

The cold wind of the first month swept down the golden tiles and red walls of the Forbidden City, and Lingling swayed the golden steps on the sideburns of Yuqin.

Yuqin fixed her eyes on Wanxi, although she was still in tears, she finally nodded seriously.

She clenched Wanxi tightly, "...Even if I don't believe in the emperor, I believe in you."
Yuqin went back, but Wanxi stayed where she was for a long time.

Turning around, I saw Wanbi's sedan chair leaving and turning back.

Wan Xi hurriedly went up to meet her, "Just now I also called Sister Chen to be wronged."

Concubine Wan smiled and shook her head, "It's been so many years with the empress in the palace and in the palace. I know her temperament better than you. I've reached this age, and besides my temperament, she has already hurt her." Not to me."

"You don't have to worry about me about today's matter, I won't take it to heart at all. But, you have to pay attention to Concubine Ying."

Wanxi frowned, "I understand. The Empress is really powerful, she used the Yanxi Palace to separate Concubine Ying from Sister Chen and Sister Lu. She always emphasized that Gege, who was born in a Mongolian background, sent Concubine Ying to her side. La. Concubine Ying has only been in the palace for two years after all, and our friendship with us is still shallow, so it wouldn't be surprising if she pulled her over so suddenly."

 Let’s stop here today, I need some time to sort out the materials of the southern tour, and tomorrow we will go to Jiangnan.

  Thank you for Lan's big red envelope, Mi Mi's red envelope, dianne_xd's flash diamond + flowers;

  12 sheets: Dancing in the clouds;

  9 cards: q_i0xzp2xn, 247185999;

  6 cards: yameyou;

  4 photos: yusheng1979, 139790-7198;

  3 sheets: zhengqy, h_21yz2hsd;

  1 sheet: ikvisax5, dianne_xd
(End of this chapter)

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