Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1446: Inviting Your Heart

Chapter 1446: Inviting Your Heart (121 More)
"Thank you for being able to laugh."

Behind Wanxi, Yuqin poked Wanxi lightly, "Didn't you see how much the empress wants to please the emperor tonight. Tonight is the fifteenth day, so naturally it should be the day when the empress attends bedtime."

Wanxi nodded, "Since the first day of the new year this year, the empress has taken the initiative to wait for the emperor in the Hall of Mental Cultivation; on the fifteenth day, the empress is so rare to be in a hurry tonight... I can see that the empress has been waiting for her this year. I'm afraid I'm going to 'change my mind' and take the initiative to fight for the emperor's favor."

Yuqin snorted softly, "A change of heart? I think she is still ugly."

Wanxi patted Yuqin's hand and turned her head to look at her, "Sister is still wearing a flag dress tonight?"

Yuqin nodded, "Anyway, I just became a concubine, and tonight is the Lantern Festival. In front of the Empress Dowager, if I wear Hanfu, she will not like her again."

Wanxi smiled, "My sister's concern is right. But after staying on the boat, sister should change back to the Han family to dress up?"

Yuqin couldn't help raising her eyebrows, "You mean...?"

Wanxi raised her eyes lightly, "The most important thing for the emperor to go to the south of the Yangtze River is to bridge the gap between Manchu and Han and unify the people of the world. My sister is originally a Han woman, so it is most suitable to wear Han clothes."

"Although Concubine Chun is also a descendant of Han ministers, she is still in the position of noble concubine, and has entered the banner after giving birth to the third son of the emperor. It is no longer appropriate for her to wear Han clothes at this moment."

"As for Concubine Yi... After all, she has such a background that she is not suitable to show her face on the imperial boat. Therefore, in the entire harem, only elder sister wears Han family clothes. She is of the right age, status and position."

Yuqin's cheeks flushed slightly, "You mean...?"

Wanxi bowed her head lightly, "This trip to the south is a good day for my sister. Just cherish it."

Yuqin also understood, while blushing, she watched Wanxi carefully, "Wanxi, don't worry."

Wan Xi shook her head with a smile, "The queen deliberately pulled Concubine Ying like that before the southern tour. Didn't she think of this? No matter how valuable the concubine Ying is, no matter how high the family background is, but this is the southern tour, and it is the emperor's meeting with the Han people in the south of the Yangtze River. A tour. Those Gege who were born in Manchuria will not be needed. This time, we, the concubines of Han and people with the surname of Han, are going to have a good time with the emperor."
The empress dowager on the other side was still laughing heartily, "Let me just say, why are all the concubines of the six palaces come to me so neatly and dressed like flowers tonight, to talk to my old lady? Even if I ask you to be well, the usual conversations should be over, but tonight everyone refuses to leave."

"It turns out that they also calculated that the emperor will come to pay my respects tonight. I want to take a look at you, or ask you to take a look!"

All the concubines raised their voices coquettishly to the Empress Dowager, saying, "That's not the case. The concubine is filial to the Empress Dowager, and she only left to talk with the Empress Dowager."

The empress dowager also laughed happily, "You little hoofs one by one, when I don't understand what you are thinking in your mind? I also came here when I was young. Your little thoughts, I am smarter than yourselves. clear!"

Perhaps because of her tour, the empress dowager also dropped her prestige in the palace, and it was rare for her to chat and laugh with the younger generation like an old lady in an ordinary house.

When the empress dowager was happy, the emperor was also happy. He sat on the side and looked at the crowd with a smile, nodding his head and listening to what the empress dowager said.

A pair of dark and bright eyes fell on Wanxi's face from time to time.

piping hot.

(End of this chapter)

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