Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1448 Chapter 4 123 Who can speak thousands of words

Chapter 1448: Who Knows Thousands of Words (123 More)
Wanxi bit her lip, her bright eyes were shining, but she refused to speak, she just stared at the emperor and smiled softly.

The emperor snorted and raised his hand to slap Wanxi.

"If you don't say it, I really can't understand it? The green in the traditional color spectrum is divided into grass color, velvet color, second green, third green, Ruocao and Ruoya... Every time the painters in the Ruyi Pavilion make a painting, they must first present it to the master. Look, I have to decide which of those colors should be changed, which one should be thicker or greener, so I have already become an expert in this color setting!"

"The green on your body is not in the original color spectrum. It is created by the painter based on the artistic conception in the poems and songs, and blended and figured it out."

Wanxi couldn't help but lowered her head with a smile.

The number of paintings in the library is so huge that the emperor has personally seen almost every scroll.Therefore, he recognized this color, and he really didn't have the slightest doubt about it.

The emperor deliberately paused for a while, stretched out his hand and flicked Wanxi's forehead.

"This green is called 'Shuangshuangyan'!"

Wanxi mentioned it in her heart, and then dropped it again.

Then a smile welled up on the corner of his lips.

— I knew he recognized it.

The emperor snorted softly, "Shuangshuangyan, not only does it mean that this green is like the color of swallows flying and passing by when the spring willows in the south of the Yangtze River are newly green; Yunyaodu.' Calling the Lord can't think of 'There are vines in the wild, and there are zero dews. There is a beautiful person, clear and graceful. Encounter and encounter, it suits my wish.'”

Wanxi bowed her head with restraint, "... There are really no slaves."

The emperor grabbed her hand and lowered his head to look into her eyes, "If it wasn't for this intention, then it was to say—'How many murmurs, I will tell Liu Ying all day long. If you pass a short wall, who knows thousands of words.' You have thousands of words you want to confide to the Lord, but it is inconvenient to confide in front of so many people; moreover, because tonight is the fifteenth day, you don't want to fight... don't you?"

Wanxi rolled her wonderful eyes, her red lips were smiling, but the water was still floating in the corner of her eyes after all.

She stepped forward and leaned against the emperor's heart, "...The slave really didn't want to compete with anyone, but I couldn't see the emperor these days, and I missed the emperor in a panic. So I kept this little thought, and I was sure that although there are many people in the Sixth Palace, there are still many people. Not many people may be able to understand this color and this intention; so I put it on and showed it to the emperor alone."

"If your majesty understands it, this servant's longing will not be in vain; but if your majesty sees the Six Palaces tonight, and the flowers are so dazzling that people can't see it, and you can't take care of this servant's pale color...then this servant will also give up. That's all."

The emperor felt a pain in his heart, and hugged her tightly: "It's time to travel by land, after all, you are all in the carriage, and you have to travel with the empress dowager and empress. It's not good for me to take you away in public."

"Be patient for a few more days, it will be great if you can stay on the boat. I will definitely take you to my side early..."

He said, and bowed his head eagerly and tenderly to kiss her.

Lips and teeth are close together, and I feel that the gap under my heart is filled little by little.

He bit her lip and murmured hoarsely, "You miss me, why don't I miss you..."

He rubbed her, reached in to untie her clothes, "give that little pocket to Grandpa."
Wanxi's face and body were already hot.

Although she was shy, she still met his eyes bravely.

"Then master guess, what color is the slave's little bag? If the guess is right this time, the slave will untie it and give it to the master; if the master guesses wrong, the slave will not give it..."

The emperor gritted his teeth angrily, "I can guess the color outside because I can see it; I can't see the color inside, so how can I guess?"

 You guys are amazing, you can guess the meaning of this color, big brother!
(End of this chapter)

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