Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1450 Chapter 4 126 Don't Make Him Excited

Chapter 1450: Don't Make Him Excited (126 More)

Wanxi's face turned red, and she quickly reached out her hand like an octopus, pushing Yuye away.

"...I'll take off my clothes tonight, I don't need you. Just watch Wu Niu make medicine."

Of course Yuye was worried about Wu Niu decocting the medicine, but at this moment, she couldn't let go of looking at the master's pockets.

Now I regret that when I helped the master put on the clothes in the morning, why didn't I take a closer look into the coat.It is also because the master is embarrassed, and besides, although the master is already a concubine at this time, she still does what she can, so the clothes that are worn close to the body are still worn by the master herself, she is the close-fitting Women don't know either.

Yu Ye also smiled, "...Master, just show it to the slave. Otherwise, the slave won't be able to sleep tonight!"

Wanxi hurriedly turned around, "Don't make trouble! Why don't you go soon? Or I'll be annoyed~"

After laughing for a while, Yuye was still more concerned about Wuniu's decoction, so she hurried to go.

Wanxi sat in the tent by herself, took off her clothes, and stared at the little pocket.

She deliberately didn't wear the begonia red tonight, just because she didn't want to make the emperor too excited tonight.

After all, on the fifteenth day tonight, it is reasonable for the emperor to accompany the queen.If the emperor's heart is as calm as water, that's all right, if she is excited because she is wearing begonia red——wouldn't it be Nala's advantage?
She doesn't need the begonia red to make the emperor too excited, she has to come plain.

I just don't know, whether the emperor can guess what color she is wearing; and whether he can understand her intentions?
The emperor Luanjia, the empress dowager, and the harem's chariots stayed at the same place again, and it was already at the end of the first month, Yejiazhuang in Suqian, Xuzhou Prefecture.

Therefore, the emperor had to suspend his stay here for a few days because of the embankment and river construction.

As soon as they arrived at Yejiazhuang, the emperor sent several decrees one after another.

"From the first year of Qianlong's reign to the 13th year of Qianlong's reign, the land owed in Jiangsu amounted to more than 220 million taels; the land owed in Anhui amounted to more than 30 taels, all of which were exempted."

"Arrears accumulated 14 years ago in Qianlong, Henan Province, with levy and deferred collection of money and food, more than 35 taels, will be exempted with kindness."

After hearing this, Wanxi counted with her fingers, and she was speechless: "Add this together, and the emperor will save nearly 300 million taels of silver from these three provinces!"

Concubine Wan nodded and smiled, "This doesn't count as three-tenths of the tax in Zhili, Shandong, Jiangsu and other places where the emperor is exempted from driving."

Wanxi took a deep breath, staring at Concubine Wan, a little speechless.

Concubine Wan patted Wanxi's hand, "...that's what those people preached, saying that the emperor spent a lot of money on his southern tour. Look, the emperor actually freed up so much money in the world."

Wanxi lowered her head and twisted her fingers vigorously.

"What's wrong?" Yuqin looked at Wanxi carefully, "Is there something wrong?"

Wanxi shook her head, subconsciously brushing her fingertips over her heart.

"I just... want to see the emperor."
Even Concubine Wan laughed, "Why are you embarrassed to say that? Let alone you, who in our harem doesn't want to see the emperor?"

Wanxi pouted lightly, "When can we get on the boat?"

Wanpin said, "I heard that after stopping here, you can cross the Yellow River and enter the Grand Canal. Naturally, you will be on the boat when the time comes."

Wanxi nodded and lowered her head, "...that's right, I shouldn't be in a hurry."

Not to mention that the emperor has to take care of He Gong these days, but he hasn't guessed the color of the bag yet.

Since she couldn't guess, why did she rush to see him?
 Come one more~
(End of this chapter)

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