Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1456: I Got It

Chapter 1456: Understood (132 more)
Wanxi's pretty face lightly raised.

"The slave asks the emperor another question. If the emperor is willing to give the slave an answer—then the slave can now answer the emperor's words: the slave guessed it!"

The emperor could not help but twitch his lips slightly, "Smelly girl."

Wanxi couldn't help laughing, she moved her little scorpion and moved closer to the emperor, "...the emperor only said the year, not the months~"

The emperor closed his eyes lightly and snorted, "October!"

Wanxi laughed.

Using the age of the four princesses to calculate the year, it was the 13th year of Qianlong when she was three years old.

The 13th year of Qianlong was the eventful year since the emperor ascended the throne.Empress Xiaoxian collapsed, and the emperor took advantage of the opportunity of attending the funeral for Empress Xiaoxian to officially set off the prelude to the struggle between the former dynasty's liquidation of Ertai and Zhang Tingyu's cronies...

In the 13th year of Qianlong, there was also the Battle of Dajinchuan.

Wanxi lowered her head.In October of the 13th year of Qianlong, she knew what kind of day it was.

She raised her eyes to look at the emperor, "The servant guessed."
The emperor was bored, instead he got up and sat away.

As the Son of Heaven, he was guessed right by this little girl who was 16 years younger than him.And it's a thought that has been hidden for several years, no wonder it's not fun.

Even if she didn't say it, he knew she must have guessed right.

But even if he lost face and sat far away, he still hummed softly, "Say it."

Wanxi lowered her head quietly, her gaze fell on her newly dyed nails.

"In September of 13, Lord Jiu asked himself to replace Neqin and manage the military affairs of Dajinchuan. At that time, Neqin was defeated, Zhang Guangsi sank into the sand, Yue Zhongqi failed to make any achievements, and Agui fell into party disputes... 27-year-old Jiuye, He has never been a military commander, never led a soldier, but he left alone like that-the outcome is unpredictable, life and death are uncertain."

"Even the slave once persuaded Jiu Fujin to try to save another bloodline for Master Jiu before he left... The slaves all think so, why doesn't the emperor have such a mood?"

Wanxi raised her eyes, "Master Jiu already has two sons. The eldest son, Fu Ling'an, has been married to Duo Luogege, and there is still the second son, Fu Long'an, who is also the eldest son. Although he is one year younger than the fourth princess, he is also quite."

"That's why the slaves believe that in October of the 13th year of Qianlong, the four forehead son-in-law selected by the emperor is Fu Long'an, the eldest son of Master Jiu."

The emperor was even more embarrassing, got up and circled around, and went to the book case.

The emperor walked over by himself. In order to make up for face, he deliberately flipped through several pages of the book, and then looked up again.

But Wanxi was not as happy as he had imagined, instead she was still sitting on the twig with her head bowed.

The emperor's heart tightened slightly, so he quickly dropped the scroll, walked over and knelt down, and grabbed her hand.

"What's the matter? Are you angry with me? My father admits to you, you guessed it right, isn't it okay?"

"I just couldn't keep up with my face, so I deliberately hid away. I'm not unhappy-although as the emperor, it's shameless to be guessed. But you guessed it right, sir On the contrary, I am happy."

Wanxi raised her eyes suddenly and shook her head quickly.

"The slave is not hiding some narrow-mindedness from the master... The slave just suddenly figured it out. It turns out that there are some things before that can be integrated and understood."

The emperor raised his eyebrows slightly.

"Well, you said."

Wanxi took a deep breath and raised her eyes to look at the emperor, "...Jiu Fujin lost a child in the servant's palace. It was a bit strange, but the emperor didn't ask it to go into details. The servant once had a little resentment against the emperor in his heart, what will happen now?" But the son understands."

(End of this chapter)

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