Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1462 Volume 4 138 Sunset Moonrise

Chapter 1462 Volume 138 3 Sunset and Moonrise ([-] more)
Thinking about it this way, it was meant to be a joke, but it turned out to be sad.

The people around the emperor, not only returning from old age, including Li Yu, are all old, and they all have the day when they will leave the emperor and the court.

And my parents... They are all getting old, even the emperor and the royal family can't stop the time like sand.

The emperor patted her hand, "I can go to Suzhou this month in February, and you will see me soon."

Thinking that the day is so close, Wanxi is also happy.

The two put aside their melancholy, and Wanxi found a way to talk back, "I said it's not grass green, and it's not jade white, so what color will it get in the end?"

The emperor narrowed his long eyes slightly, his eyes flickered, and he raised his finger to point out the ship.

It was just as the setting sun was setting and the moon was rising quietly.Between the water and the sky, there is a magnificent scene of the sun and the moon.

But such a spectacle, as if God didn't want the world to see it for a while, the night was like falling sand, quickly covering up the light of the setting sun.

The clear moon gradually emerged from the water, and the upright light replaced the lingering setting sun, dominating the entire sky and illuminating the entire world.

He didn't say anything, but she saw it all.

The heart is already swaying, and the cheeks are already red.

The emperor snorted softly, "...Go into the cabin. Explain it yourself to the Lord."
As the night fell, the clear light greeted people, but the atmosphere on the boat was suddenly filled with begonia red.

Wanxi's heartbeat was in a mess, and her eyes avoided the emperor.

But he still stood up bravely.

As he said, since he guessed it, she will definitely do it.

Both of her blushed, hooked the emperor's fingers, turned around shyly, and dragged the emperor into the inner cabin.

The beauty of this moment does not need words.

But there was still a rush of footsteps, Li Yu rushed up with an embarrassed face, and knelt down far away, "Damn this old slave... this old slave has to go back and forth to the emperor, oh, the queen master is here."
It was as if a whirlwind of black sand suddenly appeared on the water, disrupting the clear light of the moon shadow and the ripples of the water.

The emperor frowned, "What is she here for?"

Li Yu shook his head, "...The servant dare not ask, nor dare to stop. The empress master has already arrived at the side of the boat."

Wanxi calmed down, then turned around and wanted to leave again.

The emperor grabbed Wanxi's arm, "Don't go!"

The emperor held Wanxi's hand and walked back to the lunch box to sit down, "Since she is here, let her come up. I want to see what she wants to tell me."
Nala came up on the deck, with the phoenix tin on the gown, and the gold was burning; the three ear clamps next to the ear, each with six perfectly round oriental beads.When the two ears are combined, there are twelve top-grade east beads.The pearls are shining like stars, competing with the moonlight.

Wanxi couldn't help sighing softly in her heart: she really is the Queen of the Palace, Fengyi Wushuang.

Nala paid respects to the emperor, but it was only a blessing; Wanxi paid Nala's greetings, but she couldn't do the honor of the emperor and his ministers.

Mrs. Nala stroked her temples, "So the concubine Ling is here? I didn't expect it. This time I'm outside, no more than in the palace. The emperor doesn't have to follow the rules to turn over the sign and record the files; therefore, the palace doesn't know Ling. The concubine is here now."

"If the emperor is still willing to behave like a palace on the boat and act according to the rules, then I would have known that Concubine Ling is coming. Then I wouldn't have come here at this moment."

The emperor frowned slightly when he heard this, "The empress has treasures, and the imperial concubine also has seals. If you come out of the palace, you will bring out all your treasures and seals. Are you not afraid of falling into the water if things are heavy? When the time comes, if the queen has no seal, will you still be the queen?"

(End of this chapter)

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