Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1464: Come On, My Wife

Chapter 1464: Come On, My Wife (140 More)
Wanxi was sad in her heart, but she got up and smiled brightly.

"Although the empress is filial to the empress dowager, the concubine will serve the emperor wholeheartedly, so that the master and empress don't have to worry about the future."

As expected, Nala's color changed from being stabbed, and she raised her eyes to look at Wanxi, "Concubine Ling, now that I am the empress, naturally I have to serve the empress dowager wholeheartedly. If Concubine Shu was here, she would be able to share some of the burden for me. But Who made Concubine Shu so lucky, she has to stay in the palace to raise a child now..."

"Speaking of which, besides me, concubine and above, you have no children yet. You have worked so hard to serve the emperor, but you are not as blessed as Concubine Shu. You really only work hard and have no results. Gong also really misses you."

Wanxi felt pain in her heart, but there was an innocent smile on her face.

She curtsied to Nala earnestly. "The mistress is the head of the six palaces, and the concubine is the model for all events and affairs. The mistress has served the emperor for 20 years and has not done anything. How dare the concubine be ahead of the mistress? If the mistress does not give birth, the concubine I don't even dare to give birth!"

Nala sneered, "So what if I don't give birth? I'm still the empress. No matter which prince succeeds in the future, I will be the empress dowager! Live with the emperor, and die with the emperor. The Taimiao is worshiped by the royal descendants generation after generation.”

"Concubine Ling, you can only be a concubine until you die. You will be buried in the concubine's mausoleum, and you will be lost in the history books from then on!"
These patriarchal clans, these respectful etiquette, Wanxi could not resist.

At this moment, I couldn't help but feel a gloomy heart, and I lowered my head sadly.

But the emperor laughed out loud and clapped his hands lightly, "The empress is really good, she really has the bearing of a mother."

Nala smiled slightly, "As a concubine in the middle palace, it is natural for me to discipline my concubine's room. The emperor praised me absurdly, but I dare not be a concubine."

The emperor reached out and grabbed Nala's wrist, "The queen sit down."

Nalashi was not polite, because there were only two chairs, she raised her eyes and glanced at Wanxi, then took Wanxi's seat.

Wanxi could only stand and wait.

The emperor looked at Nala with a smile on his face, "The empress is my wife, so she should be of the same heart and mind with me. Husband and wife are one, even if there are some things that are inconvenient to say clearly, I believe the empress will naturally understand and understand."

Nala's hearing was pleasing to his ears, so he sat more dignified and straight, "That's natural."

The emperor looked up and down with a smile on Nala's solemn and solemn Zhonggong auspicious clothes.This court coat embroidered with a golden phoenix, the golden covenant on the neck, the grand and heavy Dongzhu ear clippers, the three Dongzhu Chaozhu hanging on the chest and back, one straight and two oblique...all are Zhonggongji. category of clothing.

On the head, even though the auspicious crown with golden phoenix inlaid with oriental beads is not used, it is also worn with tinsel made of emerald nine phoenixes. This grandeur is not inferior to that of the formal auspicious costume crown.

Such solemnity, such a bright lady, such a dazzling momentum, all demonstrate the identity of the empress of the Qing Dynasty.

But the emperor himself only wore simple and convenient travel clothes, and Wanxi even wore simple daily clothes in the palace, even simply wearing two silk flowers on the head of the flag.

"Queen, do you understand why I am here on this southern tour?"
Nala didn't expect the emperor to ask her this suddenly, so she raised her eyebrows, "Why did the emperor come to the south for a tour? Didn't the emperor's decree make it clear? It coincides with the 60th birthday of the empress dowager, and she is also inspecting the river project." ..."

The emperor smiled, "So the queen dressed like this, and accompanied me all the way south to inspect the river engineering?"

(End of this chapter)

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