Leader Lan Palace

第1474章 4卷150 1段伤心(7更)

Chapter 1474: A Sad Part (150 More)
The emperor was moved, and reached out to hold Wanxi's hand.

The two stood together on the side of the boat.This is already Yangzhou, but both of them couldn't hide their heavy hearts.

Where is this still the Yangzhou in "Fireworks under Yangzhou in March"?
At this time, Yangzhou, as far as the eye can see, the river is narrow, less than two feet; the two sides of the river are desolate, and there are no pavilions.

In this Yangzhou in front of you, you don't see "24 bridges on a moonlit night" or "Yangzhou Road with ten miles of spring breeze"; you only see loess and white sand, weeds and insects singing.

Wanxi tightened her cuffs and lowered her head, "What's wrong with Yangzhou? This is not the Yangzhou that the slaves expected at all. After all, is it better to be famous than to meet each other, or is the literati's words too beautiful since ancient times?"

Wanxi's sigh had already pierced the emperor's heart.He couldn't sit down, so he could only stand on the side of the boat since he entered the boundary of Yangzhou.

In terms of the elegance of poetry, the ancestors of the Qing Dynasty are not as good as him.The poems and songs about Yangzhou have left deep traces in his heart.

He has also been fascinated for many years, and this time he was finally able to come in person, and what he saw was also not the Yangzhou that he wanted to see for thousands of miles.

Wanxi raised her eyes quietly, looking at his side face quietly.

She saw the embarrassment and pain quietly imprinted in his expression.

Wanxi lowered her head, reached out and gently grabbed the corner of the emperor's cuff.

"I don't need to say it, my slave...in fact, I understand."

Her ancestors were military generals of the Ming Dynasty at any rate, and her ancestral home was also Jiangsu. Therefore, when the cavalry of the Qing Dynasty went south to attack Yangzhou, she vaguely knew what happened even though the people rarely mentioned it.

——Prince Yu Duduo led the army to attack Yangzhou, and Shi Kefa and others led the army and the people to resist.The Qing army also suffered heavy losses, so the day the city was broken, there was a massacre of the city for ten days.

After that nightmare, Yangzhou is no longer the former Yangzhou.Among the anti-Qing and Ming-ming texts circulated among the Han people in the south of the Yangtze River, Yangzhou is always the painful place that is written about in a big book.

Wanxi shed the blood of the Han people herself, and as the concubine of the Qing emperor at this time, this status made her understand the pain and struggle of the emperor better at this time.

Wanxi lowered her head and said softly, "...I don't understand the matter of leading troops to fight. I only know that it has been a hundred years now. In the past, it was the Ming and Qing who were hostile. As the former home of the Ming Dynasty, Yangzhou should resist desperately; But now, it has been over a hundred years since the Qing Dynasty established the Dingding, and Yangzhou is already the land of the Qing Dynasty."

"Those battles and massacres should go away. What is more important now is to make Yangzhou return to the former Yangzhou, so that the people of Yangzhou can feel the favor of the imperial court and live and work in peace and contentment while living on this land. "

The emperor clenched Wanxi's hand tightly.

It hurts to hold it so hard.

But he turned his head immediately, the water-colored sky was reflected on his face, and his long eyes were clear.

"You're right. Instead of dwelling on the past, how can Yangzhou return to its former prosperity!"
Wanxi also laughed, raised her hand and pointed forward, and suddenly raised her voice with joy, "Look, your majesty, a pavilion has finally appeared in front of you! It's still a colorful building, so bright and eye-catching, it can be seen that it is newly built, just to welcome the emperor. !"

The emperor was also refreshed, raised his eyes to look, and finally smiled.

"Yes, it was built by Yangzhou salt merchants with money."

Wanxi tilted her head to look at the emperor and smiled.

The emperor snorted, "Just say what you want."

Wanxi bowed her head, "... I heard that the emperor didn't use much treasury silver and internal money during his southern tour. Most of the expenses on the road were donated by salt merchants."

(End of this chapter)

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