Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1477 Chapter 4 153 Home

Chapter 1477: House (153 More)
Wanxi made two-color duck with ginger sprouts, egg soup with water shield, and braised pork with fermented bean curd.

Ginger sprouts and water shield are the freshest in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, but the fermented bean curd braised pork still has the taste of the thick sauce of the capital and Guanwai.

The emperor nodded in satisfaction, "Not only can I let my grandfather eat the fresh spring vegetables from Jiangsu and Zhejiang, but it can also make me feel homesick."

Wanxi smiled and nodded, "Ginger sprouts and water shield are the freshest spring vegetables in the local area, but I have been out of Beijing for more than a month. Although I eat fresh local products, I should always miss the taste of the palace. This fermented bean curd is from The ones brought out by the pickle room in the palace are not locally purchased, and the taste is still the taste of the old jars in the pickle room in the palace."

The emperor grabbed her hand, "For this southern tour, they all brought out big and small bags. The insides were nothing more than clothes and jewelry; but you, you still brought fermented bean curd..."

Wanxi tilted her head, "Although the emperor is the master of the world, the whole world belongs to the emperor. But our Qing Dynasty has a vast territory, and there are always different customs in different places. Although the emperor can 'home from all over the world', he loves food the most. After all, those mouthfuls are still the ones that the palace has been used to since childhood."

The emperor smiled, but couldn't help lowering his eyes.

Even the emperor would be homesick.

He tried his best to smile, hiding the emotions that were surging in his heart, "...in the past, the Kunning Palace worshiped the gods, and I had to take the lead to eat the blessed meat that was removed from the sacrifice. The fat pork was boiled in white water, without salt sauce. I know the ministers They all grinned their teeth after eating, and some even sneaked some salt foam into their sleeves and sprinkled it on their heads."

"But I am the son of heaven, I can't do any small things, otherwise I will be disrespectful to the gods. Therefore, no matter how difficult it is for me to swallow, I have to swallow the white water and meat... I used to feel that it was embarrassing to eat, but now I am in a state of disrespect." Thousands of miles away, I miss it too."

Wanxi responded with a smile, "Yes!"

She brought out another plate from the lower shelf of the food box.

"Actually, it's not specially prepared. It's a process of making fermented bean curd meat. The cooked meat has not been served with the final fermented bean curd sauce. It was originally thought that the slaves would come to reward them, and the preparations were not enough. , since the emperor wants to eat it now, it tastes similar to Furou."

Wanxi untied the knife in her waist herself, and cut the meat into small squares for the emperor, "It's just that the meat in Kunning Palace is blessed meat, which has been offered to the gods. If you eat it, you will be blessed by the gods; this slave has never been offered... Lord." Disgusting."

The emperor patted her hand, and with her hand, he bit the small square of white meat into his mouth, closed his eyes and chewed carefully, before swallowing it with satisfaction.

"...I have never thought that boiled meat without salt sauce can be so delicious."

Wanxi smiled and lowered her head, muttering, "The golden nest and the silver nest are not as good as my dog's nest."

The emperor heard it, and slapped her: "...Compare me with Dou Jiaoer again?!"

Wanxi chirped and giggled, "I'll make bean stew next time for my grandfather. Use heavy sauce soup, and put a bottom of the pot under it, let the sauce soup slurp and eat the soft rotten meat at the same time." Beans and meat. You can also add some mung bean vermicelli, just to relieve the heat.”

Wanxi swallowed her saliva while talking to herself.

She also misses home, misses the Forbidden City.

It never occurred to me that after entering the palace for ten years, the home I miss now is no longer the flower field where I grew up, but the Forbidden City.

The Forbidden City that was once on her heart made her breathless.

I used to think that if you can get out of the door, you will never look back - the Forbidden City.

Wanxi turned her head to look at the emperor.She understands, it's all because of him.

 Love everyone~~~Mua!

(End of this chapter)

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