Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1480: I Don’t Listen

Chapter 1480: I Will Not Listen (156 More)
In the past few years, Fu Heng, as the leader of the former dynasty, single-handedly took over the two factions left by the former Ertai and Zhang Tingyu, and he was more comfortable in this turmoil between people's hearts; Underneath, he has added a general's character, and he looks down on life and death, so when facing the emperor like this, and talking about such a topic that needs to be cautious, he can still speak lightly and delicately, so that the emperor can't find mistakes for a while.

The emperor was a little unhappy, so he snorted and said, "You still scrub the fermented bean curd jars in the pickle room with your own hands? How can you be used? The group of Sura who work in the pickle room are all dead?"

Fu Heng chuckled, "They're not being lazy, it's just that the slaves prefer to do it themselves, so we all roll up our sleeves and get busy."

The emperor let out a snort, and put it another way, "...the fermented bean curd jar, Jingui has an old smell in it. After you wash it, the old smell that has been there for so many years will be gone!"

Fu Heng didn't speak this time, just bowed his head and smiled, letting the emperor let go of his evil spirit.

He himself just took advantage of the emperor's joy, and simply ate a few more of the three dishes with chopsticks.

The cabin was quiet for a while, the emperor didn't speak but just stared at Fu Heng eating; Wanxi was placed behind the screen, she couldn't open her mouth easily, she had to worry secretly.

——The emperor is here, how should she tell Master Jiu about Zhuanxiang?

Although she didn't intend to hide it from the emperor, it was just about the women in the back house of Master Jiu's house, but it was inconvenient for an emperor to know the details.

Wanxi could only secretly hope that the emperor would be gracious to leave, or that there was something to be dealt with temporarily, so she was distracted.

But the emperor stared at Fu Heng patiently until Fu Heng finished the three dishes.

The emperor frowned, "All right, all right, don't drink the little soup on the plate."

Fu Heng stood up with a smile, and also saluted, "I thank the emperor for his kindness."

The meal box was removed, and the emperor sat down again.Fu Hengsu stood with his hands up.

The emperor weighed the eighteen sons made of Hetian leather and seed materials in his palm, and narrowed his long eyes slightly.

"Jiu'er, ask."
Um?Just ask?

Wanxi couldn't help standing up first, avoiding the screen in front of her eyes, and sneaking a sneak peek at the emperor.

He asked her to ask, and he squinted to listen?

The emperor heard movement behind the screen.After all, this is the cabin, the top and bottom are empty, and when her flag shoes move, the sound is loud.

He snorted softly, "I'm a bit tired after eating, so I just meditate like this. You two talk about you two, I'm in meditation, and I can't hear anything."

Two words slipped across Wanxi's heart - "It's strange".

But the emperor made it clear that he would not leave, so Wanxi also calmed down, and asked slowly, "...Jiu Ye, how have you always been?"

Fu Heng's heart was already trembling, but seeing that the emperor was right in front of him, he could only restrain everything.Looking at the nose with one eye, and the mouth with the nose, he knelt down and replied, "Everything is fine, my slave. May the master rest in peace."

Wanxi smiled, "How is Jiufu Jin? Brother Ling and Brother Long?"

Fu Heng restrained himself from looking up, "Returning to Master Ling, everyone in the slave's family is well. The slave also pays respects to Master Ling on behalf of the family."

Wanxi then said, "... I want to congratulate Master Jiu. I have also heard about Brother Long, and I am very happy. Although the fourth princess is not my own, I have regarded her as my own since I was a child. , I am most relieved that the fourth princess can marry into Jiuye's family."

Fu Heng closed his eyes lightly, with burning emotions in his eyes.

"...Please reassure the master. The slave family and the dog will cherish the princess forever."

(End of this chapter)

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