Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1482 Chapter 4 158 Relentless

Chapter 1482: Hard-hearted (158 more)
"Let me put it bluntly, Zhuanxiang's youth and reputation have been ruined by Lord Jiu. It is impossible to marry a young man with a good family background. If you want to marry, the 73-year-old old man is willing to take it." .”

Wanxi knew that what she said was very harsh.

But if he is not ruthless, how many years of Zhuanxiang's youth can be wasted like this?
How many years is she going to watch Master Jiu like this...?

"Zhuanxiang is able to marry the 73-year-old Zuo Ling. She is not wronged, but it is her blessing! Although Zuo Ling is 73 years old, since he still has the heart to ask the emperor to marry him at this age, it shows that he is not old. If you are not old, then you can give Zhuan Xiang a few years of happiness, maybe."

"Besides, I also asked people to inquire about it. This 73-year-old old leader is really old and strong. Even when he was 70 years old, he asked Gege in the mansion to give birth to a child. Zhuanxiang married, if two people Love is deep, maybe it can reproduce the story of 'a tree of pear blossoms presses the crabapple', and ask Zhuanxiang to give birth to a child."

"Take a ten thousand step back, even if this old Zuo Ling is old, he won't be able to accompany Zhuan Xiang for a few years. But when Zhuan Xiang enters the door, he will be the real Zuo Ling Fujin. If he can have his own children, then the entire Zuo Ling's mansion will be destroyed." She is still the head of the house. It's much better than staying in Jiuye's mansion and being a nameless girl serving in the study forever."
Fu Heng's heart trembled so much that even the emperor couldn't close his eyes.

His eyelids kept twitching, no matter how much he pretended, he could no longer pretend.

He simply opened his eyes, and muttered, "Jiu'er is right. A woman from the family can be the assistant leader of Fujin, which is already extraordinary."

The emperor squinted at Fu Heng, "...Even if the leader is dead, she really wants to be a widow; it's better than being a widow in your mansion!"

Fu Heng's forehead was already sweating slightly, and his heart was full of confusion.There were still a few faint sparks, but after the prairie fire passed, what was left was not a more vigorous fire, but only ashes left on the ground.

He kowtowed to Wanxi, "The servant thanked Master Ling for Zhuanxiang's kindness. However, Zhuanxiang is the son of the slave after all. As the master of the family, the slave also begs the master. If the master proposes a marriage, he will find another one." Marriage is appropriate."

"Even if it's not Zuo Ling, it's an ordinary Sura, a man in armor, and a servant can send Zhuan Xiang."

Wanxi was cruel again, "It's a pity that Sura and the man in armor next to me are not in the position of this palace to marry the emperor... The existing marriage proposal in this palace is only such a subordinate leader... .”

"Besides, even if Master Jiu is not willing, maybe Zhuanxiang himself is willing."

Wanxi's heart changed.

"To tell you the truth, Master Jiu, I actually told Zhuan Xiang about this in private. Zhuan Xiang didn't have much reaction after hearing this, but just lowered his head and told me indifferently, everything is up to Master Jiu and me to decide. After all She is a daughter of Lord Jiu's family, and her life belongs to her master, so she can't allow herself to pick and choose."

Fu Heng also felt a pain in his heart.

"She doesn't really care?"

Wanxi sighed softly, "That's right, I really don't care. Also, anyway, for her, marrying anyone is an outsider, and she has never seen anyone before. What is the difference between who and whom?"

Fu Heng bowed his head deeply, speechless.

Wanxi quietly looked at the emperor, and then laughed a few times when she was cruel.

"Jiu Ye, what are you doing? I don't want Zhuanxiang, and she has been burdened with the reputation of being a housekeeper for more than ten years; but now I am caring about her, and I want to propose marriage to her, but you I don't want to anymore...Jiu Ye, this is not what a man did."

(End of this chapter)

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