Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1500 Volume 4 176 The scalp is about to explode

Chapter 1500 Four volumes 176 The scalp is about to explode (7 more)
Wanxi's heart couldn't help but thump.

Her hypothesis is "vicious" enough, if it is not vicious enough for the real incident, what else did the woman do?

The emperor's eyes turned cold, as if the faint color of moss by the water was projected in his eyes.

"She wants to kill those two nephews with her own hands."
"Ah!" Wanxi couldn't help screaming.

——He wanted to kill people, two nephews, the oldest of whom was a teenager!
——And it's not buying murder, but she wants to do it herself, and kill both of them!
It was really vicious to the extreme.

"There are other things you can't think of." A cold light flashed in the emperor's long eyes, "She is still worried that she is not strong enough alone, so she needs another helper. Who do you think she chose? ——It turns out that the elder nephew is about to formally pay homage child bride!"

Wanxi really could only scream again.

"The woman threatened the child bride-in-law, and the two went together at night with the lamp on. The woman killed the eldest nephew with a knife... She was about to kill the second nephew, but the child bride-in-law couldn't stand it. Come forward and stop."

"My God." Wanxi covered her face with her hands, feeling cold and numb all over.

There really are women in this world who are so vicious!

"Perhaps there is something pitiful..." It took Wanxi a long time to let go of her hand, but she lowered her head sadly, "If she can have a child and let her own child inherit the family business, she will definitely not be like this."

A woman without children, she will inevitably think of herself again.This kind of despair, she can roughly understand.

"But those two nephews are innocent. The 16-year-old child was stabbed to death by her with a knife... She really did it!" Wanxi thought of the women in the harem inexplicably, and thought of the emperor's heirs who had died for no reason, and she felt the pain in her spine. It is like a faint moss growing.

"Besides, what kind of helper is she looking for? She has to coerce the child bride. As a child bride, she is already pitiful; she has finally grown up and is about to worship, but she has to watch her husband being stabbed to death with a knife. She has to help hold the lamp by the side!"

As Wanxi said it herself, she felt her scalp was about to explode.

The emperor also sighed, "Fortunately, her conscience has not been wiped out, and she finally managed to hold that vicious woman and save her own brother-in-law's life."

"It's just that she was able to save my uncle, but she couldn't save her husband. This inevitably proves that she may have resentment towards her husband in her heart. Since the woman asked her to help, she may have taken a liking to this episode. Therefore, she also It wasn't all coercion, it was a crime of cooperation in her husband's death!"

Wanxi lowered her head, feeling a little uncomfortable.

As a child bride, one can imagine the situation of this girl in this family.So she might also resent her husband, right?

It's just that she has no way of knowing what that girl has experienced.In the face of a human life, and the crime of murdering one's husband, no matter how hard one thinks, one cannot resist the law.

"Master... how to deal with the two of them?"

The emperor pressed her hand, "It doesn't matter if you don't say anything."

Wanxi shook her head, "Since the master started, let's finish. Otherwise, the slave won't be able to let it go, and will hang on even more."

The emperor's long eyes narrowed slightly, "The vicious woman will be put to death immediately; the child bride-in-law who cooperates with her will be executed immediately."
Wanxi turned her head and looked at the red fish in the water, which suddenly seemed to turn into patches of blood.

Ling Chi's execution and beheading are the most terrifying punishments; but at this moment, they are not as vicious as people's hearts.

 This case is real~~
(End of this chapter)

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