Chapter 156
The emperor who was sitting with his back turned around in a hurry: "Come here."

Wanxi was stubborn, still kneeling on the ground, refusing to move.

The emperor didn't say anything else, he got off the kang with only one leg, walked over with strides, and stretched out his hand to grab Wanxi's wrist.But instead of pulling her up, he immediately lowered her body and carried her up!
Wan Xi was stunned, "Your Majesty!"

He snorted, and brought her back to the kang, lowered his shoulders, and put her on the kang.

The kangs in the palace were all rebuilt by the Qing imperial family according to the old Manchurian "pocket kang" custom. The big kangs are very large, but the pocket kangs in the palace are mainly used for sitting and sleeping, not for sleeping.

Wanxi grumbled on the spot, rolled into the kang, and distanced herself from the emperor.

But the emperor just stood there, holding the yellow belt around his waist with both hands, condescending, his clear eyes flashed narrowly.

"...It's not even heavy, it's not as good as a stupid roe deer."
Wanxi didn't want to ask what that fluffy feeling was in her heart, so she lowered her eyes to avoid his gaze.

"Why does your majesty say that? Could it be that your majesty has carried a stupid roe deer all over the palace?"

The emperor turned his body and sat down against Kang Yaner.When she turned around, her clothes fluttered like a gilded butterfly, flying down through the shadow of the lamp.

He turned around and looked at her: "...February [-]th, I've heard all about what happened at the Changchun Palace."

Wanxi opened her mouth instead: "At that time, the emperor was at Xiannongtan..." Obviously he came back after a few days.

He raised his eyebrows: "Where does it hurt?"

Wanxi lowered her head, and the figure of sister Lu became clearer in front of her.If it wasn't for Sister Lu that day, it would be hard for her to escape unscathed.

She shook her head and didn't look at him: "I'm fine. It's just that sister Lu suffered for me, and the imperial concubine fell ill again."

The emperor looked at her carefully, and nodded: "At Chuxiu Palace, I will go to see them. But at this time, you are not allowed to hide from me, is there any injury on your body? Had a nightmare?"

His words easily passed through her defenses and pierced her heart.

She secretly scolded herself: Wanxi, you should be more promising!How can you soften your heart with just one word from him?

She purposely raised her face and greeted him: "Your Majesty really beat and killed the servant. The servant was destined for this. Who in the Changchun Palace was not the master of the servant? Let alone scolding the servant or punishing him by kneeling, even if he wants to beat him, he will be punished." If you want to kill him, the slaves don't even dare to complain!"
He stared at her for an instant.Thousands of emotions swirled in those clear eyes, and for a moment, she even saw bloodlust and cruelty in them.

But in the end, he still perfectly integrated all his emotions into calmness.The calmness of the emperor is a calmness that people can never guess.

He stretched out his hand to grab her wrist, found the bruise on her wrist and rubbed it slowly: "Even if you accept your fate, I will not just let go of what happened that day. Don't worry, I will give you an explanation sooner or later."

Wanxi's heart bumped, but her eyes were still blurred.

He carefully looked at her wrist, and said softly: "That should not be your life, it was placed on your body by force. I let you stay in the palace, not to let you bear such a life, let alone tell you It was designed like this. When they hurt you, they hurt me."

"They bully you when you are young, but don't they also treat me as a fool? But fortunately, you are fine, otherwise I won't spare any of them!"

(End of this chapter)

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