Leader Lan Palace

Chapter 1603: The Emperor Smiles

Chapter 1603: The Emperor Smiles (280 More)
The moment she presented herself to the emperor through the transparent gauze, she felt uneasy.

Although he has been frugal for many days in a row, but after all, he only started recently, and the flesh on his body is not so easy to lose.

But she didn't expect--

The emperor actually laughed.

It wasn't that she was dazzled, nor was it that the dancing candlelight gave rise to hallucinations.

The emperor is real, smiling at her in front of her eyes!

This smile was like flowers blooming all over the mountains and plains; this smile seemed to bring her back to the wedding night in the bridal chamber, causing her eyes to bump into the young prince again, with such shining eyes looking over him.

It was as if the intervening 20 years had disappeared.

She is still a 15-year-old shy bride, she is still young, lively and fresh.

She was drunk, and she felt that she was really drunk at this moment.Drunk to the bone, drunk to the root of the soul.

She couldn't help raising her eyes, and cast a charming glance at the emperor, "The emperor likes me dressed like this, doesn't he?"
The emperor not only smiled, he couldn't stop laughing, the corners of his brows and eyes were instantly stained with laughter.

He nodded, but raised his hand to cover his mouth, as if he didn't want to scream, the burst of smile startled her.

She became even more joyful, "Your Majesty, is this concubine so pretty?"

The emperor nodded vigorously as if suppressing something.

Her heart burst into flames in an instant.

"Your Majesty, the style of this dress is decided by me! Your Majesty, do these trousers look like skirts? They were made by a Mongolian tailor in the Mulan paddock... The reference is the Mongolian clothes. (similar to a pleated skirt). It looks like a horse-faced skirt."

The emperor seemed to like it very much, and still nodded his head.

She rushed over and sat side by side with the emperor, stretched out her hand to hug the emperor's arm, and leaned her head on the emperor's shoulder.

"...I see. So the emperor likes me to dress like this! It's all my fault. All these years, I just don't like the clothes of those Han girls, so I always refuse to show the emperor wearing such a fresh pattern."

"If I had been willing to wear it long ago, would the emperor have given me a child long ago? It wouldn't be the case now, I'm already 34 years old...but I still don't have my own children..."

Speaking of the child, she couldn't help feeling sad again, hugging the emperor's arm and shaking it vigorously.

"Concubine Shu is only 24 years old. She is ten years younger than me, but she already has a prince! Your majesty... I am the empress, and I want to give birth to a prince for the emperor. Only the prince I gave birth to is the emperor. The legitimate son. No matter who gave birth to a child of them, they can't compare!"

She tilted her head, staring intently at the emperor, and staring at the man in front of her with the eyes of a 15-year-old newlywed.

"Didn't the emperor always want a son-in-law to inherit the great line? Xiaoxian can't do it, Xiaoxian's blessings are not enough... I can, I am younger than her, and my body is stronger than her. What she can't do, I can do it."

"I will definitely help the emperor fulfill this wish." She stretched out her arms and hugged the emperor, "Your majesty...give me a child. I will definitely give birth to a healthy, long-lived son for the emperor, and I will definitely be able to Successfully inherit the great rule and ensure that our Great Qing Dynasty will last forever!"
Um?What's wrong?Why is the emperor frowning?
Did she say something wrong?
She hurriedly stretched out her arms and hugged the emperor, "Your Majesty...tonight is the emperor's longevity, I specially dressed this outfit for the emperor. Doesn't the emperor like it?"

 and also.

(End of this chapter)

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